Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jay odds and ends.

Hey everybody. I'm home for lunch. What a long day at work already today. Got out 20 minutes late yesterday due to a call that escalated to a supervisor. Today isnt much better. I've had 4 calls that have lasted at least half an hour each. Thats 2 hours of the 5 i worked so far today. There's a new guy at work who has taken the place of the nerdy kid who annoyed me earlier this year. Everytime I'm on a call he all of a sudden has 50 questions for me. Know how i know? He keeps yelling dude at me until i answer him. One word. Annoying! The other day he stole my chair while i was on my lunch break. What the hell man. I just wanna get through the rest of today. I can't wait for my next days off.

Got some awesome news from Rob last night. He may have some more radio shows lined up for me to help him with. I was going to go to his studio today after work for a bit of training, Nickle just called to reschedule actually to next week, I may get to produce some shows in November for a whole weekend. I'll book time off of work. I don't have a problem with that. The last time was fun so i can't wait. Again thanks to Rob for the opportunity and i promise to not play too much Huey Lewis on air next time!

Update to Diana's tv pitch. Now joining the cast with her and iron man--chewbacca. I love her. Do i feel bad she's following in my nerdy footsteps? Not really. I managed to get a copy of the new Superman/batman cartoon and i can't wait to show it to her tomorrow!

Oh a quick shout out to Craig. Thanks for reading man i sure do appreciate it.

Well gotta run back to work now. Hopefully it'll be an afternoon of short calls and hopefully a few less "dudes" will be shouted at me.

The Diana/Iron man goodtime hour

So i thonk when Diana gets older she may become a television producer. She told me an idea for a new tv show. It would star her,her friend Becca,Iron Man, Spiderman, The Flash, Spongebob Squarepants and Cinderella. Sounds like a hit to me. As she told me about this show she sold it by singing the iron man theme. No word as to whether Diana would be a super hero or a princess.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Well just got home. I wanted to sit down and blog when work was done. What to blog about though. Then i looked and saw that this would actually be blog # 200. I still feel happy whenever i recieve nice comments about the blog. My friend Rach told me the other night that she thought i was a good writer. It was really sweet of her to say. She also let me know that our mutual friend Becky is now reading as well. I'm still getting a kick out of writing. Its still fun to me even after a year and 200 posts. Anyhow I felt like getting sappy and thanking a few people.

Kath: Thanks for being a constant inspiration. Thanks For continuing to be my best friend. Thanks for all the great times that i enjoy blogging about. You're the best. Thank you for the greatest gift i ever got-our daughter Diana.

Diana: i love you buddy. Thanks for making me smile everyday and providing me with lots of cute stories. You'll always be my little girl.

John and Rach: Thanks for being there for Kath and i in good times and bad. I'm proud that after all these years we're still friends. John after almost 30 years you still make me laugh. I love you guys.

Rob and Nickle: Hey you guys have proven me wrong. It actually is possible for a guy like me at my age to make new friends. Nickle i love that i have another friend that i can talk comic books with. If i can lose some more weight than i actually am thinking about cutting my hair and dressing up as ollie for the next con. Rob, its been awesome geting together and watching old action movies with you. I will definately help you out at the radio station any time you ask. You guys rock!

Allison: i can't thank you enough for convincing me to write the blog.I'm happy that we are still friends all these years later. Did high school really start 26 years ago?

To all friends and family reading the blog,that would include Scott, Andrea, Maria, Becky,Kelsey and my sister Su:thanks for all your awesome comments and input. Su i like your blog a lot as well. I'm sorry we don't see each other a lot. We will hang out more. I love you and Dean and Russell and Devon. Thanks to all my friends for the great memories over the years

To my red neck customers: i wouldnt have much to talk about if you werent pissing me off on a daily basis. So keep yelling and swearing and not understanding your bills ya crazy hicks!

Wow i guess i'm done with the sappiness. Man you'd think i won an emmy or something. Yeah an emmy for saying the word blog 500 times. Anyhow if you keep reading, i'll keep writing. Thanks again guys i really appreciate that you're still reading. Have a great night everyone. Talk to you soon


Sunday, September 27, 2009

A great couple of days for Jay despite being a block headed bitch

Wow its rare that I'm in a good mood. Something always seems to be worrying me. So I'm as amazed as anybodt that I've been in a great mood for the last 3 days. Friday was awesome. The weight was lifted as soon as I found out Diana could stay in the morning class. The day started off crazy though. We woke up at 8:25. Diana had to be at school at 8:40. Somehow we got her to the school on time. WE dropped her off and went out and paid a couple of bills. If you know mw you know that making sure bills are up to date is a good thing for me. The mood at this point was so beyond great that it wasnt even funny. We picked up Diana and she brought home her first art work. One was a picture of her and one was a painting of her hands. It was so cute. We then made our weekly trek to the comic book store. I was able to catch up a bit and make a tiny dent in our bag. The store puts stuff for us aside everyweek and they have been really cool about the fact we havent bought as much since summer. We're slowly catching up though so its all good. Picked up the first issue of Superman Origin by my favorite writer Geoff Johns. It was pretty good and i think I'm going to read it to Diana one night. The only thing that sucked about Friday was that Kath had to go to work. She came home at 10 and we had a great dinner. My Friday rocked! It seriously felt good to be alive that day. I was hoping to hold on to the feeling until my shift on Saturday.

Despite having to work on Saturday which is seriously the crappiest work day of the week--my awesome mood continued. Work is a little bit happier for me on Saturdays now that the horrible cartoons from hell are done. My awesome manager gave me anothe 100 percent on one of my calls. My mood is better now that I'm back on her team. There were a couple of crazy calls. One lady kept calling me a liar. Oh and once again if you tell a person you will hang up on them if they don't stop swearing--would the next words out of your mouth be(keep in mind it was a crazy lady i was talking to) "suck my dick you block headed bitch?" So I'm Charlie Brown now? Anyhow despite that i never once got pissed off the whole day! After work Rob came over for another round of cool action movies. Kath was nice and hooked up the vcr for me. It had been hooked up in the basement for awhile and we never go down there. Most of my Bruce Willis movies are on vhs tape. We ended up watching not only The Last Boy Scout (my second favorite Bruce Willis movie after Die Hard) but also the lesser known Bruce Willis classic Striking Distance. Also known as Boat Cop--well thats how Kath and I refer to it. As an added bonus we popped in the classic Con Air. It was cool. We chowed down on pop and chips, It was vdery cool. Kath and Nickle had gone shopping to the States again, Someday I'm gonna get that passport.Maybe by Christmas so i can visit the American in laws.

This brings us to today or Sunday if you will.Another great day! We ventured out to see the new Trailer Park Bots movie. Yes i have a strange sense of humour. I think this was out 4th or 5th movie this year. Thats a lot for us. We're lucky to make 3 a year. It was pretty funny. Alex Lifeson from Rush played an under cover cop in drag. Funny stuff. We came home and made an awesome lasagna and settled in for the evening to watch some tv. What a great weekend. Well tomorrow its back to real life and i'll face about 10 hours of hollering rednecks. Or maybe i will have a 4th happy day in a row! Or maybe monkeys might fly out of my butt! Have a great night everybody.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy Birthday boss

Just a quick happy birthday to one of my favorite performers Mr Bruce Springsteen, He must have made a deal with the devil because he sure doesnt look or act like he's 60 years old. Maybe Billy Joel should have made the same deal with the devil because he's the same age and he looks like he's a hundred years old. Anyhow i raise a glass to my favorite boss. Hope you continue to make great music until you're 100 and still looking the same. I'd seriously like to know Springsteen's secret. He still rocks out at age 60 doing 3 hour concerts and i can't even stay awake to watch tv.

No need for Rob to break someones knees

Well this morning we went and had a meeting with Diana's principal. He actually listened to what we had to say and was really nice about it. He said he would get back to us at the end of the day and let us know his decision. Well long story short we just found out that Diana will indeed be staying in the morning class. What a relief. Now nobody has to try and change their shift and Diana gets to stay with the same teacher. I am so happy. I seriously teared up when Kath gave me the news. So thanks to everyone for their support. Things are gonna be ok! Bullet dodged!

The annoying meeting from hell

So on top of our Diana's school dillema i also had to go to he meeting about the tennants who havent paid rent all year. That was one of the most annoying experiences of my life. First of all i had been at work for 10 and a half hours and had to go right to the meeting. I was tired and my back was killing me. Anyhow i got to the meeting right on time at 7. At 7:30 it still hadnt started. Thats ok though because around that time one of my loud annoying neighbours named Trish(who i believe was drunk) started screaming at everyone and starting several arguements. Oh and lucky me-i got to sit right beside her! Hooray. So finally the meeting started. There was lawyers there and everything. THe case was presented and the deadbeats were asked why they havent paid anything. The thing is they rambled on about money orders but didnt have an actual answer. It seriously reminded me of every customer i have to deal with on a daily basis. They said they had submitted 1 money order back in july for a thousand dollars that went missing. They didnt do a proper trace on the money order. Ok i can maybe understand that a money order went mising. How do you explain the other three thousand dollars you owe or the fact that you didnt attempt to pay the rent after that. They claimed last night that they didnt know they owed all that money. Really? Cause everyone in the complex-the tennant in question as well recieved a huge booklet of what was owed and what the issue was about. THe proceedings dragged on and Trish kept yelling. Luckilly a lot of people told Trish to shut up so she stormed off. Claps could actually be heard when that occurred. We all still waited for a descent explanation from the non paying rent tennants. Other than more rambling on about money orders an explanation never came. So after a vote was done the tennants were told they were evicted--again. Here's the kicker. From what i understand they still wont move out and may now drag this to court. What the hell? I would seriously be to embarrased to show my face at the complex after that and would get the fuck out of dodge by sun down. I didnt get home until about 9:30. So thirteen hours away from home. Yay for me! Anyhow thats my tale of the annoying meeting. Have a great day!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Thanks for making a decision for us Diana's principal

Well the other issue i was worried about has actually occurred amd I'm not to happy about it. As a matter of fact I'm furious. So much for not jinxing myself. I guess i can talk about it now. So we got a letter from Diana's school the other day stating that the junior and senior kindergarten classes are both over booked with kids. THe school would be adding an additional class in the afternoon and they were looking for volunteers.. I guess they didnt get enough volunteers. Kath was told today that Diana is now in the afternoon class. This is after we asked for a day class in my and after Kath got her hours changed at her work. The principal didn't seem to care that both parents work and already did what they could to get her into morning jk. Now we're expected to ask both our employees to change our work schedules. Even if i can get mine changed I'm sure it won't be done by next Monday. Kath just got her schedule changed as well and it took all summer to get it approved. Kath told this to the principal today and was told that a descision has been made. She didnt want to get into it in front of the other parents so she let it go. We're both going tomorrow to talk to the guy. If he says no we're going right to the board of education. I don't want to cause trouble but this is ridiculous. You'd think that when the school schedules were made they would have seen the classes were over crowded. If i can even get my schedule changed I'm gonna need to get out no later than 2:30 to go pick up Diana. I'm going to also have to pick up an extra shift and i will be getting less hours than i do now. I may even have to leave my cool new team if my hours don't match the managers enough. So everyone cross your fingers and say a little prayer for the Stewart family. Hopefully the principal will turn out to be reasonable. More to come later.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Yes i live in a complex with some losers

So its Monday. The week isnt starting out right and several things are pissing me off. I'll get into one of the things right now. On Wednesday i have to attend a meeting for my complex. I guess in March a couple moved in and have yet to pay a cent in rent. Their first and last months check bounced and now they owe about 4000 dollars. They have been asked to leave but they are actually contesting that decision. Pure balls. So Wednesday we pretty much vote to kick them out.Why does this piss me off? Several reasons actually. First of all apparently they are walking around acting as if its nothing. There have been times where i have been a week or 2 late with my rent and i feel like a jerk. I have actually snuck out the back way as not to run into the landlady. That's if I'm a week late! These assholes are strutting around like John Travolta at the beginning of Saturday Night Fever. They also drink in front of their unit. Another big reason why I'm pissed-my friends Rob and Nickle applied to live in the complex and i don't even think the land lady passed their application to the board of directors. By the way-not a fan of the land lady. So they pass on my friends who had the cash to move in and let the dead beats in. So I'm hoping that they get the boot on Wednesday. I may stand up and clap at the meeting.

Theres a few other things bothering me but i don't want to talk about them just yet. I don't want to jinx myself. I'm crossing my fingers and praying that some stuff doesnt happen to us later in the week. So far we have a 50/50 chance. Thats all i will say for now. More later in the week. I will say it may involve kath and/or i needing to change our shifts at work. Sorry to be cryptic but thats all the info i will give out at this time. Well here's hoping Tuesday is better. Hey THere's a new Barney Bentall album out tomorrow which i may get Friday. A tiny bit of something to get me through the week.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

No longer needing a seeing eye dog

I think the nightmare is over. If i heard correctly, the manager who was bringing in all the "classic" cartoons is now no longer working on Saturday! This means the lights will remain on and i won't have to squint to see my computer screen! Sound the bugle! Life is good! I really hope i heard right. There was no cartoon today. Hooray i won't be the new Stevie Wonder after all! I just have to find something new on Saturdays to bitch about for the blogs sake. Oh man I'm so excited! No more Astro Boy.

The other day i was reading some blogs from last year and i realized i had actually been blogging for over a year. I can't believe i stuck it out. Actually its really fun. I still enjoy hearing from you guys telling me a blog made them laugh. Thanks for coming along for the ride this past year. Hopefully you'll come along for the rest of the journey. Now before i get sounding relly sappy i will say goodnight. Talk to you all soon

Friday, September 18, 2009

Getting sucked in by a horrible rob schneider movie

Hey everybody. Its Friday. Kath just got the computer working a few minutes ago. For some reason the computer wouldnt start. We must have turned it on a million times today. Not sure what Kath finally did to get it to work but she is a genious!

Last night was pretty cool. Rob showed up around 8. Movie night is turning out to be really cool. He brought over Red Dawn.So now i have liked Three Patrick Swayze movies. In honour of his pasing we might even get ahold of a copy of Roadhouse. There actually is a special edition with Kevin Smith commentary! I still have no desire to see Dirty Dancing even though it is one of Kath's favorites. Rob also brought over some kfc. Yes i ate my first kfc chicken since quitting over a decade a go. It wasnt too bad. Thanks again Rob and definatly looking forward to your next radio show! Hopefully we can make movie night a regular thing. Maybe on nights when Kath and Nickle go shopping in the states. We ended up staying up late. For some reason after Kath and Nickle arrived we all got sucked into a horrible Rob Schneider movie called Big Stan. In the film Rob Schneider trained really hard and became a tough guy in prison. I gave an easier time accepting time travel then i do Rob Schneider being a tough guy. As bad as the movie was we all couldnt look away. It was scary.

Diana is still a little bit sick. SHe woke up around midnight and went to lay in our bed. By the time we were done with our Rob Schneider extravaganza, she had streched out right across the bed. So Kath and I had to sleep on the couches. My neck still hurts. Oh well.

Anyhow the computer is working now so going to go check out facebook and see whats going on there. May call it an early night tonight. Hopefully movie day at work is now permanently cancelled. Talk to you all soon.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Remembering yet again the early days of Jay and Kath

Just a quick update and yes I'm sappy. Ten years ago today Kath came back to Canada for our second date. It was then i realized that she liked me. Two dates in one week! She kind of had to come back. She had left a pair of shoes at my place.She brougt me a tray of brownies and we watched the Norm Macdonald classic Dirty Work. Rest easy people i don't remember the date of our third date. I do remember we went and saw Harrison Ford's worst movie Random Hearts. A bad movie that Kath has never let me live down. And yet she came back for more dates with the Jaymeister!To be fair Harrison Ford does throw a bowling ball at a guy and that was kind of cool. Not Indiana Jones cool but cool just the same. Anyhow thanks for coming back for further dates and your shoes. Love ya Kath!

Talking with retarded Ron Burgandy

Wow what a day yesterday turned out to be. I woke up for work and my poor litle girl was sick. She had woken up crying with a sore throat and runny nose. She stayed home from school and Kath called in sick to take care of her. I ran home on my first break to check on her and she was starting to feel a little better. We got her to bed really early and this morning she seemed to be more energetic. Poor kid. I felt really bad for her. Its one thing for me to be sick but when my kid is ill my heart goes right out to her. When she lined up with the other kids today i noticed she is the tallest one in the class! She takes after me in that way. Got her smarts from Kath and her height from me. At least i contributed in some way

work was a total joy yesterday. Not. I hung up on two assholes in the first hour. I've asked this before, i'll ask it again. If you told a customer you would end a call if swearing continued would the next sentence out of your mouth me "i don't give a fuck you mother fucker?" Come on people use your head. That was hang up #1. Hang up # 2 occurred a few minutes later. A customer called in and couldnt verify the information on their account. In a situation like that we are not allowed to access the account. I appologized and thast when the customer started cutting me off and began to moan into the phone. He also started yelling like he was mentally challenged and yelling "shut your pie hole!" It was very mature. He sounded like a cross between Corky from Life Goes On and Will Ferrel. After a few minutes of that i just released the call.Oh and did i mention he was in the millitary? Glad that guy is defending the country. Sure makes me feel safe. I did get to see my friend Stacey for a total of 5 seconds. I hadnt seen her since July. Its dead all the time now except when Stacey comes by to say hello. Thats when the call centre is super busy.She brought me a newspaper article on the comic book convention. If you're reading this Stacey thanks again. You rock!

On a positive note. For the first time since dieting i tried on a dress shirt Kath had bought me last winter. Before the summer i couldnt even close it. Now success! I have a new shirt for my clothing rotation. I'm actually proud of myself. Its the longest i ever stuck to a die and I'm gonna keep going.

We're gonna pick up Diana in an hour or so and then hit the comic book store. I'm gonna get 2 books for Diana and one for me. Tomorrow i think we will be re newing our health cards. Might come in handy if we ever get sick. We may see Rob and Nickle tonight. Rob and i are going to set up another movie day. In honour of Patrick Swayze we might watch Red Dawn. I'd even watch Roadhouse again. Well gonna go finnish laundry and grab a quick shower. Talk to you all later.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Breaking daddy's heart.

Yesterday Kath told me something that just broke my heart and made me tear up. As you all know Diana has started school this week. I got up yesterday moring as i often do and left for work. Kath said immediately after i left Diana came running down stairs crying. She was crying because she wanted to give her daddy a hug and a kiss before school. So from now on i am going to be waking Diana up before i go to work. It was kind of a chore waking her up today though. Sooner or later she will need to get used to the school schedule. She can do it!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Crap on a stick

Damn it all to hell. Today is my last day off. The week went by too fast. I'm actually
aving a pretty descent Sunday. Just spent a few hours over at John and Rachels. Diana wanted to play with Becca. Had to come home early. Diana has to get used to going to bed early. That also means eating dinner earlier. It may take her a few weeks to get used to the new schedule. It'll probably take that long to get me used to being back at work. On the bright side-no more sitting in the criminal row. I will get to sit with my friends again. Hooray!

Watching some of our usual Sunday cartoons. We watched Brace and The Bold a.k.a Batman team up and Justice League and a new show called Super Hero Suaf. The new show is pretty muck little kid versions of the Marvel Super Heroes. Diana loved it-especially when the hulk ate a whole hot dog cart. Man I'm gonna miss her when she's in school this week.

Did i mention i don't wanna go back to work tomorrow? It's been nice not having a headache all week. Oh well. I gotta man up and go back. Hope everyone had a great weekend and I'll talk to you soon.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Bunny, ball ball

Had a pretty cool day today. Started off early. We woke up at 8 am and got Diana ready for her first full day ofs school. She only went for 45 minutes the first day. A normal day of junior kindergarten will be just under 3 hours. We packed up a snack and got her there on time. She had a great time and told us she sang some songs and heard a story and played in the play ground. I am so proud of her. Her teacher said she was great today.

After Kath went to work Rob showed up. He brought along a couple of classic movies-Howard The Duck and Hudson Hawk. I hadnt seen Howard the Duck since it was out on the big screen in 1986. I remeber it doing badly but i remember not having a problem with it. It was the fist movie about a marvel comics character and was produced by George Lucas. Also of note its one of the first movies Tim Robbins appearred in. He went on to be in shawshank redemption and direct Deadman Walking. He even won an oscar. Upon viewing it again i realize its still a cheesy movie but i didnt hate it or anything like that. As a matter of fact now that Marvel comics has been purchased by Disney i think they should do a sequel or a re imagining. Lea Thompson is still hot so she could totally be in a new Howard movie.

I always liked Hudson Hawk and feel it is one of Bruce Willis most under rated films. To this day i donèt understand why this film didnt perform better at the box office. It has a lot of funny scenes and many memorable quotes. It made me want to watch more Bruce Willis movies like The Last Boy Scout and Striking Distance. Maybe Rob will be up for another movie day. So thank you Rob for coming by today to watch movies and drink pop.

Ten years for the happy couple

Ten years ago today was history in the making . September 11th was a horrible day in 2001 but in 1999 something amazing happenned. I met my future wife face to face for the first time. Kath and i had been talking on the phone and emailing for a couple of weeks. We finally agreed to meet. Kath crossed over into Canada that evening, I still remember the skirt outfit she had on. She even baked me chocolate chip cookies. We Went to Jack astors and talked for a bit and followed that up with our first movie, The Sixth Sense. Man i even remember what songs were on the car radio and what videos were on the tv that night, Kath played me mambo # 5 for the first time and yes i still married her. It was a great night. Its been a happy 10 years ever since. Happy anniversary honey.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How is my baby girl in school?

My baby is all grown up. Today was her first day of school. It was more like a meet and greet type of deal. We went with Diana and while her and the other kids got to hear a story we filled out some forms. She aldo fif her first project. Diana painted Kath's hand orange and vice versa and then made hand prints. We learned about snack time and show and tell and all kinds of wonderful school information. First day was only 45 minutes! She goes back on Friday to start her regular schedule. I was ok. I didn't tear up once. Kath did a little. I was too busy being proud to be sad. Her teacher seemed impressed that she could spell her name already and knew her numbers. Now if she could just conquer her fear of all types of bugs.

The time off work is going great. Yesterday spent the day with the family. We got a loveluy oil change and bought some vegetables. Doesnt seem very exciting but it beats getting yelled at by the usual red necks. Had a great dinner, watched some tv. Diana wasnt a big fan of going to bed early. Nickle came by for a quick visit to wish Diana a great first day in school. We have such nice friends.

Just gonna take it easy today. Kath went to work. Diana only wants to watch tv. Wow i promise that someday i will write a blog that doesnt bore everyone to tears. Anyhow have a great day everybody. Stay in school and drink your milk.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Thirty Years today I broke an arm and saw Johnny Fever quit

Happy Labor day folks! Having a pretty good day off of work. Didn't do much of anything. I layed on the couch a lot. Thats ok with me. At least its not labor day 1979. Waht was wrong with Labor day 1979? I drove my bike to a friends house. I swerved to avoid a car and ended in a ditch. I broke my right arm. Good times! What a klutz i was and still am. For some reason i even remember the wkrp episode i had watched that night. It was part one of Dr. Johnny Fever accepting a job at another radio station. Yes i a nerd who remembers all sorts of useless knowledge. Wow 30 years since i last broke a bone. I broke a leg,a collar bomne,my right arm twice and my left arm once betwen the ages of 1 and 10. Nothing since then. Knock on wood.

I think i'm going to really enjoy my week off of work. I have nothing planned. Kath is home with me tomorrow as well. Wednesday yammy goes to school for the first time. I'm sad and happy all at the same time. She started to go to bed early tonight. She was actually cool about it too. Speaking of cool, she actually requested to watch a star trek episode tonight. Not sure where that came from as i have never watched Star Trek around her before. Stargate and Star Wars but no Star Trek.

Had a great night. Did laundry and grilled some chicken and burgers. Watched the rest of Bedtime Stories and all of Lakeview Terrace. Started Sweeney Todd and Kath finally passed out. Oh well. I'm going to bed myself as soon as i finnish folding laundry. I do so live a glamourous life. Have a great night everybody.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Hell freezes over! Work was ok on Saturday!

Its Saturday and i just arrived home after another fun filled day at the office. Actually for a Saturday it wasnt so bad. I had my first one on one meeting with my new supervisor. It went well. I was told that the next time i work i am out of the criminal section. I was also told that assigned seating has failed yet again so i will get to sit anywhere i want. I get to sit with my friends again! That will make work a little more bearable. Oh yeah there was no lame cartoons today! A whoo hoo! The lights did go out though and people were playing Wii games on the large screen. I even got to take a turn at bowling.The customers were ok today and i only had to get a supervisor once. All in all an ok day on the job. I'm off for a whole week now. I get to spend time with the fam and take Diana to her first day of school.

We made out ok with the school clothes yesterday. Kath still had money left on the pre paid credit card she got from her work so we got 4 shirts from Old Navy. We went to Walmart where we had a gift card and got Diana 5 pairs of pants. Unless she has another growth spurt she should be ok for awhile. Saw some really cool pink spiderman shirts i'd love to go back and get her. Oh and kid size return of the jedi t shirts! Yup its my goal to nerd up the whole family.

Kath will be home in a few hours. We're going to have some of her excellent lasagna and watch The Adam Sandler movie Bedtime Tales. Should be an awesome evening. Anyhow take care everyone. Talk to you soon.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Diana the Hulk

Its Friday and I'm on day 2 of 2 days off. Yesterday we began going through Diana's shirts and pants to see what she's working with when school starts next week. It looks like my kid is the Hulk. We have a gi normous pile of stuff she doesnt fit into anymore and a little teeny pile of stff that is ok. We're gonna hit walmart today to find some new shirts. Man i can't believe how big she is getting. I appear to be shrinking. I used to be 6'2. My sister checked mty height last week and now i'm just 6 '. We also went to the comic store. I had a bit of cash left over from the con so got some books for Diana and I. SHe picked out a Captain Marvel book. Thats my kid! Later Kath went to the states with Nicole to get a couple of groceries. Man i miss going over with them. Hopefully i will have a passport soon. Kath got me a really cool t shirt that looks like Spiderman's shirt. I don't look fat in it either. Speaking of which I`m back down to 220 pounds. I gained a bit back in the last few weeks eating pizza and donuts. Rob came over for a bit. He actually found a special edition of the 1986 film Howard the Duck. Next week we are planning on watching that and Hudson Hawk. I personally think we should throw in Con Air as well.

Just finnished trying the last of the pants on Diana. Man the doesnt fit pile is even bigger. We're going to Once upon a child to see if they will purchose anything. While we're over there we will hit Cogeco at the mall and try to get a new remote control. Ours works when it wants to. And thats not right.

I just have to work tomorrow and then i have a whole week off of doing nothing. I can`t wait! Wednesday is Diana`s first day of school and Kath and i actually will there asw well. Its kind of like a meet and greet the first day. I can`t believe my baby is growing up so fast. Anyhow I`m going to engoy the rest of my day. Take care for now

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Coach makes the world a better place

Another 2 days off is upon me, I'm very glad. Today was kind of sucky. I got all the way to the front door of work and realized i didnt have my morning drink on me. I need several beverages during the day. Its very dry where i work and talking non stop dries out my mouth. I managed to be ok. I came home on my 15 minute break to grab the drink i had poured this morning. Funny thing is,i hadnt had a thing to drink all morning and still had to pee like a race horse. It was odd. Only good thing about that is i got to see Kath for a couple of minutes.

Rest of the day dragged by so slow. Lots and lots of long calls. My arm started to hurt at one point. Don't worry it wasnt a heart attack. So i got that going for me.

Well gonna go watch 3 episodes of Coach. Might as well start my time off in style. Today i get a whole day of with Kath and Diana. Its gonna be an awesome day!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September arrives for the Stewart family

Hello September! Just got home from a long ass 10 hour,tiring shift. Just a long day with calls that wouldnt end from rambling senior citizens. Couldnt wait for it to be over. Came home and weeded a bit. Gotta make sure i do that to keep the wild animals away! I filled up a garbage bag and am now sweating like theres no tomorrow. I feel like crashing hard, Gonna grill in a bit and then take it easy the rest of the night. Did i mention i'm tired? While out weeding i ran into the entire Merry family going out to dinner. Shot the shit a little,complained about my neighbour batman.

September brings a couple of changes for the Stewart family. Diana starts school in a week and Kath now has a permanent later shift to accomodate this. Gonna take some geting used to. Diana only has to be in school for 2 and a half hours a day. Next year its a full day. Yikes. I'm sure she'll love school. I'm having a hard time knowing my baby is growing up. My friend Trudy today said before you know it you'll be walking her down the aisle to get married. Yeah I'm tearing up a bit.

Just read my frien Nickles blog and it made me smile. She talked about our adventures at this years con. We really did have a great time. Only 362 days till the next one.

Only 21 days til the new Barney Bentall cd! Almost a year to the day we saw him in concert.