Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Coach makes the world a better place

Another 2 days off is upon me, I'm very glad. Today was kind of sucky. I got all the way to the front door of work and realized i didnt have my morning drink on me. I need several beverages during the day. Its very dry where i work and talking non stop dries out my mouth. I managed to be ok. I came home on my 15 minute break to grab the drink i had poured this morning. Funny thing is,i hadnt had a thing to drink all morning and still had to pee like a race horse. It was odd. Only good thing about that is i got to see Kath for a couple of minutes.

Rest of the day dragged by so slow. Lots and lots of long calls. My arm started to hurt at one point. Don't worry it wasnt a heart attack. So i got that going for me.

Well gonna go watch 3 episodes of Coach. Might as well start my time off in style. Today i get a whole day of with Kath and Diana. Its gonna be an awesome day!

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