Thursday, September 17, 2009

Talking with retarded Ron Burgandy

Wow what a day yesterday turned out to be. I woke up for work and my poor litle girl was sick. She had woken up crying with a sore throat and runny nose. She stayed home from school and Kath called in sick to take care of her. I ran home on my first break to check on her and she was starting to feel a little better. We got her to bed really early and this morning she seemed to be more energetic. Poor kid. I felt really bad for her. Its one thing for me to be sick but when my kid is ill my heart goes right out to her. When she lined up with the other kids today i noticed she is the tallest one in the class! She takes after me in that way. Got her smarts from Kath and her height from me. At least i contributed in some way

work was a total joy yesterday. Not. I hung up on two assholes in the first hour. I've asked this before, i'll ask it again. If you told a customer you would end a call if swearing continued would the next sentence out of your mouth me "i don't give a fuck you mother fucker?" Come on people use your head. That was hang up #1. Hang up # 2 occurred a few minutes later. A customer called in and couldnt verify the information on their account. In a situation like that we are not allowed to access the account. I appologized and thast when the customer started cutting me off and began to moan into the phone. He also started yelling like he was mentally challenged and yelling "shut your pie hole!" It was very mature. He sounded like a cross between Corky from Life Goes On and Will Ferrel. After a few minutes of that i just released the call.Oh and did i mention he was in the millitary? Glad that guy is defending the country. Sure makes me feel safe. I did get to see my friend Stacey for a total of 5 seconds. I hadnt seen her since July. Its dead all the time now except when Stacey comes by to say hello. Thats when the call centre is super busy.She brought me a newspaper article on the comic book convention. If you're reading this Stacey thanks again. You rock!

On a positive note. For the first time since dieting i tried on a dress shirt Kath had bought me last winter. Before the summer i couldnt even close it. Now success! I have a new shirt for my clothing rotation. I'm actually proud of myself. Its the longest i ever stuck to a die and I'm gonna keep going.

We're gonna pick up Diana in an hour or so and then hit the comic book store. I'm gonna get 2 books for Diana and one for me. Tomorrow i think we will be re newing our health cards. Might come in handy if we ever get sick. We may see Rob and Nickle tonight. Rob and i are going to set up another movie day. In honour of Patrick Swayze we might watch Red Dawn. I'd even watch Roadhouse again. Well gonna go finnish laundry and grab a quick shower. Talk to you all later.

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