Monday, September 21, 2009

Yes i live in a complex with some losers

So its Monday. The week isnt starting out right and several things are pissing me off. I'll get into one of the things right now. On Wednesday i have to attend a meeting for my complex. I guess in March a couple moved in and have yet to pay a cent in rent. Their first and last months check bounced and now they owe about 4000 dollars. They have been asked to leave but they are actually contesting that decision. Pure balls. So Wednesday we pretty much vote to kick them out.Why does this piss me off? Several reasons actually. First of all apparently they are walking around acting as if its nothing. There have been times where i have been a week or 2 late with my rent and i feel like a jerk. I have actually snuck out the back way as not to run into the landlady. That's if I'm a week late! These assholes are strutting around like John Travolta at the beginning of Saturday Night Fever. They also drink in front of their unit. Another big reason why I'm pissed-my friends Rob and Nickle applied to live in the complex and i don't even think the land lady passed their application to the board of directors. By the way-not a fan of the land lady. So they pass on my friends who had the cash to move in and let the dead beats in. So I'm hoping that they get the boot on Wednesday. I may stand up and clap at the meeting.

Theres a few other things bothering me but i don't want to talk about them just yet. I don't want to jinx myself. I'm crossing my fingers and praying that some stuff doesnt happen to us later in the week. So far we have a 50/50 chance. Thats all i will say for now. More later in the week. I will say it may involve kath and/or i needing to change our shifts at work. Sorry to be cryptic but thats all the info i will give out at this time. Well here's hoping Tuesday is better. Hey THere's a new Barney Bentall album out tomorrow which i may get Friday. A tiny bit of something to get me through the week.

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