Wednesday, September 9, 2009

How is my baby girl in school?

My baby is all grown up. Today was her first day of school. It was more like a meet and greet type of deal. We went with Diana and while her and the other kids got to hear a story we filled out some forms. She aldo fif her first project. Diana painted Kath's hand orange and vice versa and then made hand prints. We learned about snack time and show and tell and all kinds of wonderful school information. First day was only 45 minutes! She goes back on Friday to start her regular schedule. I was ok. I didn't tear up once. Kath did a little. I was too busy being proud to be sad. Her teacher seemed impressed that she could spell her name already and knew her numbers. Now if she could just conquer her fear of all types of bugs.

The time off work is going great. Yesterday spent the day with the family. We got a loveluy oil change and bought some vegetables. Doesnt seem very exciting but it beats getting yelled at by the usual red necks. Had a great dinner, watched some tv. Diana wasnt a big fan of going to bed early. Nickle came by for a quick visit to wish Diana a great first day in school. We have such nice friends.

Just gonna take it easy today. Kath went to work. Diana only wants to watch tv. Wow i promise that someday i will write a blog that doesnt bore everyone to tears. Anyhow have a great day everybody. Stay in school and drink your milk.

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