Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September arrives for the Stewart family

Hello September! Just got home from a long ass 10 hour,tiring shift. Just a long day with calls that wouldnt end from rambling senior citizens. Couldnt wait for it to be over. Came home and weeded a bit. Gotta make sure i do that to keep the wild animals away! I filled up a garbage bag and am now sweating like theres no tomorrow. I feel like crashing hard, Gonna grill in a bit and then take it easy the rest of the night. Did i mention i'm tired? While out weeding i ran into the entire Merry family going out to dinner. Shot the shit a little,complained about my neighbour batman.

September brings a couple of changes for the Stewart family. Diana starts school in a week and Kath now has a permanent later shift to accomodate this. Gonna take some geting used to. Diana only has to be in school for 2 and a half hours a day. Next year its a full day. Yikes. I'm sure she'll love school. I'm having a hard time knowing my baby is growing up. My friend Trudy today said before you know it you'll be walking her down the aisle to get married. Yeah I'm tearing up a bit.

Just read my frien Nickles blog and it made me smile. She talked about our adventures at this years con. We really did have a great time. Only 362 days till the next one.

Only 21 days til the new Barney Bentall cd! Almost a year to the day we saw him in concert.

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