Saturday, July 4, 2009

Jay`s good mood continues into saturday!

So a saturday that i thought would blow goats turned out to be awesome! SO i had to work today. Its 4th of July in America and usually we are closed. You know on account of all our customers being from America. Earlier this week we got a memo stating we were going to be open but only the smaller markets would be calling in. Ok whatever. I worked July 1st and got holiday pay so i was ok with not working on the 4th. Oh well. It would be good for the paycheck. Long story it was incredibly dead at work. I took 2 calls in 7 and a half hours. I read a lot of comics. Here`s the best part--no lame saturday cartoons!! It was beautiful!! At 3:15 they finally pulled the plug and let everyone go home. So i got paid for 7 hours to basically read comic books. Sometimes life is so good it hurts! Im now in a good mood for 2 days straight. Kath is a bit weirded out by that. I guess i am too. I should be in a happy mood Sunday to. Monday I'm sure will feature the return of Jay in a bad mood.

So got home and found an email from my buddy Scott. As you recall Scott is one of my best friends who lives in England. Earlier this year he had written that he was coming to Canada for a visit. I hadnt heard from him in awhile so i emailed to see if his plans were still a go. So happy to report he is still coming in August. I can't wait! Can we just skip July? All it is is a dumb month where i turn 40. In August Scott is visiting and theres a comic book convention. Stupid July. Oh and Scott confirned that he actually reads my blog. SO i think that makes maybe 10 people now! So Scott if you're reading this,rock on fellow amigo! Can't wait to hang out with ya again.

We finished the day off by watching The Adam Sandler film Reign Over Me. A real happy movie about a guy who lost his whole family on 9/11. Yes it was a sad movie but he still managed to make me laugh a few times, That wacky Adam Sandler. Now please enjoy another picture of my perm mullet with the other 2 amigos.

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