Thursday, July 30, 2009

When life gives you lemons,throw them at someone you hate

I'm seriously trying to be in a good mood today. The Stewart family has had a rough couple of weeks and i think its catching up with me today. I woke up really sad today. I'm trying to sell a bunch of old crap to try and go to the comic book convention at the end of August. Life seems to be getting me down today. So that being said I'm going to try and concentrate on some positive things. There are actually some good things going on with me. Lets take a look.

1/ My friend Scott is getting on a plane today and soon i will see him for the first time in 10 years.

2/ My friend Rob has offerred me a job working on his radio show for a couple of episodes. It should be fun. He says its really easy. Oh and there will be cash involved to. Cash is nice.

3/ Kath found an american express gift certificate she recieved from her work a while ago. Its only good at certain stores. It is actually good at the Pen cinemas. So on Sunday i will actually get to see the new Judd Apatow movie Funny People--for free. I like anything thats free. It'll be goos to laugh for a couple of hours.

4/ I'm not working today. I'm thankful for that. I thought i was going to snap yesterday. I got called everything from a "fucking dumb ass" to a "God damned liar." I don't honestly know how i got through the 10 hour shift without beating someone senseless.

5/My family and friends. As low as i have felt this last week i have had my friends and family looking out for me.

Ok I'm going to go hang out with Diana and have some lunch and hope that this sadness I'm feeling goes away. Perhaps i will put on a Coach episode or 2. Thanks for listening everybody


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