Thursday, August 6, 2009

Damn pooping Eagles!

Well i did my first extra shift today. It wasnt too bad. I guess if i only have to be there 3 hours instead of 10 i don't mind. Was a pretty easy shift. I came home and saw Kath for half an hour before she left for work. I threw a load of laundry in and cleaned Hesh's litter box and tried to watch a bit of tv. I've already fallen asleep once. The lack of sleep is starting to catch up with me. It'll be worth it when i'm shaking the soup nazi's hand at the convention. I'm really hoping to get my picture taken with Beau Bridges and Rob and Nicole. We are stargate nerds!

Just got back to the park. Diana wanted to come home after 5 minutes. There was a lot of bees though. All my chores are done and just cooking dinner for the little rug rat. I'm pretty tired and i bet as soon as i sit on the couch im gonna fall asleep. Oh well. If i stay awake were gonna practice some bike riding after dinner. When Kath gets home were gonna hit the grocery store and buy some lettuce. We're going to have the chip less nachos tonight. This low carbing isnt so bad.

Funny Diana quote. We were watching some animals on tv last night and there were some eagles. The bird not the band. Diana said she was scared of Eagles. I asked why and she said because they poop on your head. She then told us an eagle pooped on her babysitter. We later found out it was a seagull that did the pooping. Ah kids. I love her and she's funny. Right now she's sitting on an upside down dora table. She says shes on a rocketship and she's headed back to earth! Its moments like this that help me get through the day. Anyhow thats about it for now. Talk to you tomorrow same Jay channel, same Jay time

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