Sunday, August 23, 2009

Jay:Starship Trooper and brownie eating adventurer

Hi there and welcome to Sunday. I'm sweating like a pig. So far today i have cleaned a litterbox and a toilet. I also weeded the garden out front. It wasnt an easy task. There were about 4 of those big ass furry bees buzzing my head. I knocked one down and squished the hell out of it. I felt like a starship trooper! Gonna get all my chores finnished and get yammy bathed and dressed and then gonna chill out the rest of the day. I got my first good nights sleep in about 2 weeks so i feel great today.

Rob and Nickle came by last night. They brought me a slurpee which rocked. Yeah im scared to step on a scale. I ate brownies and chips last night. Well i had to celebrate losing 21 pounds after all. Anyhow I'm glad Kath is good at meeting new people and making new friends. If that wasnt the case we probably wouldnt know Rob and Nickle. I suck at meeting people. Yup 40 years old and shy--not a good combo. Anyhow really glad we're friends with them as they are good people. Rob and i talked movies and how we actually like some bad ones. He made me want to go to the basement where the vcr is and watch Hudson Hawk. Y'know all these years later i still dont get why that movie bombed. A Bruce Willis movie with action and wisecracks. I love that movie. I even have 2 songs from the soundtrack on my i pod! I would rank that movie in Bruce willis' top 5. Right up there with Die hard, The Last Boy scout and The sixth sense and Armageddon.

Just finnishing up some laundry and then headed to the park with yammy. We watched Batman team up not to long ago. Diana didnt like the end cause Red Tornado cried. My sensitive super hero loving daughter! Gonna grill some burgers soon as well. Can't wait for Kath to come home. Anyhow thats it for today. Have a nice Sunday everybody!

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