Monday, November 30, 2009

no more nervous breakdowns for Jay!

So its the end of the day and end of the month. Yeah i don't see December being very cool at work. I think the exta calls are gonna cause me to punch someone in the mouth. All the calls from Virginia today drove me insane. They were all rude and mean and whiny. All good characteristics. I love it. One lady called and yelled so loud and fast i think only dogs could hear it. I felt like the glass in our centre would shatter not to menion my ear drums. The information she gave me wouldnt bring up an account and this just made her scream louder and accuse me of not knowing how to do my job. She also called me retarded. Nice. She was real pleasant.

So although the month is over i am not looking forward to December. Its gonna be nuts in there tomorrow. I might be smiling by the time january gets here. We'll see i guess. Oh well. Here's to me not having a nervous breakdown in December!!

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