Monday, November 2, 2009

Trick or Treat

It's 2 days late but happy halloween! I couldnt believe it. I got home at 6:40 on October 31st and halloween was already in full swing. There were tons of kids out and about. The last few years we haven't seen too many trick or treaters. As a matter of factf candy. I quickly got ready and took Diana out. Sadly i had no costume this year. Diana was dressed as Cinderella. We made our way around the complex. One nice lady even gave me some chips. Within 20 minutes Diana was ready to come home. Despite only trick or treating for 20 minutes she made out like a bandit. Some of our neighbours had cool costumes. There was one guy wearing a really cool Batman costume. We ran into John who was dressed like the undertaker. Next year i want to dress up. If i can find a hat i may go out as Indiana Jones. Or i may do the Joker thing finally. We shall see. Anyhow gonna get some rest. I will write more tomorrow.

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