Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 can eat it!

Well today is the last day of 2009. Thank Christ. What a horrible year it was. We lost Kath's mom, had financial issues,had problems with our brakes and a friend of mine for 25 years decided our friendship was done. Oh yeah because of the new passport laws i haven't been able to cross in to America to see friends and family. I'm not going to shed any tears missing 2009. I for one am looking forward to 2010. Ok trying to be a little bit positive--there were a few good moments this year. I got to see Scott after a decade. That was actually my highlight of the year. The visit was over way to fast though. Speaking of friends Rob and Nickle became really good friends this year. I actually feel like Rob is a brother. Oh yeah because of the friendship I'm doing a radio show with Kath. I guess that makes me happy.Merlin the cat came to live with us as well! Six months later he is finally getting used to his surroundings! Ok not all of 2009 sucked. Still felt like the worst year of my life though. Screw you 2009!

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