Sunday, October 4, 2009

Jay's weekend: sick,mad and having nightmares about joey jeremiah

Man i am not a fan of this weekend. I woke up saturday feeling blah. I think i finally picked up the bug Diana has had for the last week or so. I had a sore throat and felt light headed. Oh and lets not forget the phlegm! To top it off i had to go to work on a saturday feeling this craptastic. Then i arrived at work and couldnt get into the computer i normally sit at. The person who sat there friday had locked it and i didnt have the password to un lock it. So i sat at another desk and it wouldnt accept my passwoed and said that i wasnt allowed on the system. A manager had to get me back on the system. Normally this takes 2 minutes. This time? Almost half an hour. I got to sound like an idiot to about 15 customers. "um thanks for calling but i can't help you because i can't log on to my computer." So the manager who was re setting my password{by the way it was my ex manager man i miss him so much)calls over to me and tells me to shut everything down. Normally this means that once i re start my computer i can log on. Nope i tried to log on and he proceeds to yell at me. Then he says i have to turn off the computer again. I was pissed. So i finally log on and the first lady i talk to was a major bitch. I think i may have gotten 2 words out of my mouth. She couldnt verrify the information on the account so i couldnt access the account. She starts yelling for a supervisor-who by the way would need the same information to access the account. I try and talk and she tells me I'm being rude? I'm sorry maybe if i got a complete sentence out of my mouth i could understand how she could think i was being rude. It was so annoying. She got a supervisor and then hung up on her when they told her the same thing i did about verrifing an account. Man and it seemed like just about everybody wanted to yell yesterday. The day just dragged. It was constantly busy and it seemed as if half the staff called in sick. Sure wish i could have. on a positive note--still no shitty cartoons.
Oh i know what else is making me mad. Whats with the shitty weather lately? If its not raining its freezing out. I've already had to start growing in my winter beard ahead of schedule. Crazy!

Sunday is here. Again i feel like a total bag of shit. I feel groggy and can't stop sneezing. Awesome! So Diana has no problem waking up early on days she doesnt have to. Crawled into bed with us early and wanted us to wake up. Oh well what are ya gonna do. Kath doesnt have today off but we will get to spend thursday and friday off. If all goes well i'll finally find a copy of the new Barney Bentall cd on Friday. I realize he isnt a popular singer but seriously none of the cd stores in st catharines so much as got 1 copy in?

I actually had a "greatest hits" of nightmares last night. Lets see i was being evicted, i got shot and i was still working at kfc. Its ok though cause at least i was friends with Joey Jeremiah from Degrassi Junior high. At least i couldnt wake up and end the dream. I have no problem waking up from dreams when Jennifer Aniston and i are about to do the nasty though. Thats fair.

Just got some good news from Kath. She managed to get halloween off. Wasnt sure what we were gonna do about trick or treating. Everything is cool now though. We're gonna get a cinderella costume for Diana this year. Diana still wants me to be the joker. I guess i could be the heath ledger joker if i don't wash my hair for a few weeks. I have a spiderman shirt so there has been talk about face painting a spiderman mask on my face.

Well i feel lousy so gonna lay on the couch and watch cartoons with Diana. Have a great sunday everybody! I'll try and be more cheerful the next time.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Dyslexics of the world UNTIE!