Friday, October 23, 2009

No rednecks:part 3 of the trilogy

Good day and welcome to Friday. I'm sitting here enjoying another lovely day off of work. Kath picked up some hours today. She had called in sick earlier in the week. We barely got up in time to get the little rug rat to school on time. Rather than go home and run the risk of falling back asleep,we decided to just go do our running around earlier. We got some coffee and pop to try and wake us up. Thank you caffeine! We went to the grocery store,the computer store and the Future shop. After a month of waiting i was able to finally get my hands on a copy of the new Barney Bentall cd.

Soon Kath and Nickle were treking to the states for groceries,following this Kath went to work. I will admit that i felt sad all day because she wasnt home. So i did the only thing i could to take my mind off of it. I cleaned. I did some dishes,the laundry,picked up the living room and vaccummed. Then i fell asleep on the couch while Diana played her video games. I was very happy to see Kath later in the day.

And that my friends is my 3 day saga of not having to deal with yelling inbreds. Luckily I'm back tomorrow! Yee ha! I'll probably come home after work and start my reviews for the show next week. I think as a joke we will also be reviewing a Rick Springfield vampire movie called Nick Knight. It was a tv movie that i think i spent a whole 2 bucks on. Also it is now my goal to get Rob and Nickle to see the last Indiana Jones movie. I want to see if anybody other than me and my mom liked it. Anyhow i hope everyone has an awesome evening. I'll write again soon.

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