Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year

I figured as my last post of 2009 i should look back to my new years resolutions from last year and see how i did. So the resolutions from last year were

1) To lose weight --I'm getting rather portly and would like to drop at least 20 pounds. Its important i try not to look like Boss Hogg anymore

2) To not to worry so much about stuff. I need to relax or I'm going to cause myself to get a huge bloody ulcer. Good times!!

3) To get bitten by a radioactive incect of some type and/or get splashed with nuclear waste and become the defender of St Catharines

4) To win the lottery and buy a house and a space shuttle or something oh and hire Bruce Springsteen to play Diana's next birthday party!

5) To meet another Happy days cast member. I sure hope Potsie is at this years convention!

6) To convince Kath that a 3 way with Jenniffer Love Hewitt is in both our interests

ok 1} i did meet my goal for weight loss. Kind of. I wanted to lose 20 pounds, I lost 24 but gained 5 back in the last month. So in reality I'm down 19 pounds. I'm going to buckle down in the new year.

2} Yeah i still worry about everything. Didn't help that it felt like everything went wrong this year. No ulcer yet I'm happy to report

3} I did'nt become a superhero but i do talk about them every week on the radio. Does that count?

4} Yeah didn't win the lottery and at this point i couldnt even hire the other guy from Wham to play a party for Diana.

5) didn't meet another Happy days cast member. I did meet Beau Bridges who worked with Richard Dean Anderson on Stargate. Richard Dean anderson was on Macgyver which was produced by Henry Winkler. Henry Winkler was the Fonz on Happy Days!

6) No 3way with Jenniffer Love Hewitt. Maybe i shot to high with that one. Should have gone with one of her Party Of 5 co stars like Lacey Chabert or hey Neve Campbell doesnt work anymore right?

So goals and resolutions for 2010

1} i need to lose another 15 pounds. I will get down to 210 pounds even if it kills me
2) gonna try really hard not to get pissed off at work. I started yesterday. I'm taking deep breaths before every call.
3} I will invent time travel and go back in time and steal super hero figures and vintage comics from the me of the 1970's. Then come forward in time and sell them.Then i can quit my job. This is a realistic goal right?
4}Somehow Rob and I will get to do our radio shows for a living and be paid handomely.
5} 3 way with Lacey Chabert? Really Kath is on board for this. Honest!

Hey just want to wish all my friends and family the happiest of new years. I hope everbody has a wonderful 2010. Take care friends!

2009 can eat it!

Well today is the last day of 2009. Thank Christ. What a horrible year it was. We lost Kath's mom, had financial issues,had problems with our brakes and a friend of mine for 25 years decided our friendship was done. Oh yeah because of the new passport laws i haven't been able to cross in to America to see friends and family. I'm not going to shed any tears missing 2009. I for one am looking forward to 2010. Ok trying to be a little bit positive--there were a few good moments this year. I got to see Scott after a decade. That was actually my highlight of the year. The visit was over way to fast though. Speaking of friends Rob and Nickle became really good friends this year. I actually feel like Rob is a brother. Oh yeah because of the friendship I'm doing a radio show with Kath. I guess that makes me happy.Merlin the cat came to live with us as well! Six months later he is finally getting used to his surroundings! Ok not all of 2009 sucked. Still felt like the worst year of my life though. Screw you 2009!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Watching the boss get honoured

Hey gang. Just got in from work. Another craptastic day in the trenches. I'm so happy for the next 2 days. I got so pissed off yesterday i kicked my bin over. Good times!Just gonna relax and hang out with friends on New Years eve. Last night was pretty cool. My mom picked me up and we went to Su's to watch the Kennedy Centre awards. I've never watched it before but this year Bruce Springsteen was being honored. Between the super bowl appearance and the new album and now this--what a great year to be a fan of the boss. Cool performances by John Mellencamp and Melissa Etheridge as well. For some reason sting had a humoungus beard and looked homeless. He should change his name to stink.

Russell gave me a present last night--The Dark Knight Dvd! I was speechless. It was really a thoughtful present. My nephew rocks! The family is going up to London to visit my step sister Erin. I sure wish i was going.

I have to get back on track--I've gained 5 pounds in the last month. I think I'm gonna start working out with Kath's wii program. I can't wait for 2009 to be over and done. Crappy year. Anyhow gonna go eat and bathe and wait for the fam to get home. Talk to you all later!

Monday, December 28, 2009

ALl good things come to an end.

Well holidays ended today. The good times were done. Back to the trenches. Back to the ol' grind! Playtime was over. Time to get back to the real world. Ok I'll cut the crap. Today sucked large! I started the day off by geting a soaker and mud all over my leg. Yes it was at my favorite path. Where the skate punk kids insist on taking the planks of wood that are used to get across puddles. This was followed by me almost falling on my ass at work. Oh did i mention that since it was the first monday after Christmas it was beyond crazy busy? Yup for the whole day! Giddee up! It was horrible. Non stop yelling red necks all day! Ugh. Glad this shitty day is over and can't wait for my family to get home.

Christmas 2010

I'm a little bit behind blog wise. Figured i'd relax with some Tom Petty music in the back ground and write about the holidays. Christmas turned out better than i expected. Diana is so cool. She let me sleep in until 11. Then we went down stairs to see what "santa" had left her. She loved her Batcave and all the little super heroes. We've played with it a bunch ot times. She figured out all the little elevators and what not on her own.My little nerd. She made me a guitar out of a cardboard roll. Shortly after presents we went to my sisters house. Dinner was awesome. Eerything tasted awesome. My mom and sister got Diana some really nice stuff. Mom got me some Star Wars ornaments. Loved it! After dinner i played some rock band on the wii with Russell and Devon. It was a lot of fun. I totally want to get a version of that game. Maybe the Beatles version. Following that Kath and I played a boardgame with Su and Dean until midnight. Had a great time. I ate way to may cookies but there wasnt a bad cookie in the joint. Thanks Kath and Su. All in all i wasnt looking forward to Christmas but had a really good time. So thanks to family and friends for making it a memorable holiday!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Pizza with friends: a new Christmas eve tradition.

Christmas eve turned out pretty great. We went to Rob and Nickles for pizza and pop and cheese and crackers. It was delicious. We watched some of The Phantom. Menace and some of Attack of The Clones. Space was playing all 6 star wars movies in a row.We also watched Elf as Nickle had never seen it. Did the Christmas present exchange with them. I recieved the new Tom Petty live collection. Thanks again guys. You rock. THey also got Diana a stuffed animal unicorn. I love our friends. I ate a lot. I feel like i may gain all my weight back this winter. Fingers crossed it won't happen. Anyhow just getting the place reasy for Santa's visit. Diana was excited to get to sleep. She can't wait for tomorrow morning. Anyhow gonna go watch some tv with Kath. Talk to you all tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas eve is here again

Just wanted to wish everyone a very happy Christmas eve. We did some last minute shopping and took Diana to see Santa. I still don't feel very Christmassy. Its gonnabe cool having dinner with my family tomorrow but I'm feeling pretyt blah and blue. Well at least i don't have to work i guess. So that's a good thing. ANyhow we're going to Rob's tonight to watch Elf and have pizza. That'll be cool. Anyhow i'll chat with you all later. Happy holidays.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas is the devil

Wow i am never wishing anyone a merry Christmaas--ever again! So i was talking to a crazy customer. Yeah go figure-- a crazy one. Was bitching about everything on his bill and his account. He bitched about the credits that were given and the promotions on his account and so on and so on. He was pissed off for 45 minutes straight. Oh and he was really stupid. I told him the dates his bill covered and he asked me "why aare you trying to sound like you're a smart guy.?" Folks i gotta tell you--i was dumbing everything down. I literally felt dumber from talking to this guy. So 45 minutes straight the guy was finally getting ready to hang up. Then i made the mistake of wishing mr crazy pants a merry Christmas. This was followed by him quoting bible verse after bible verse after bible verse. Here are some of the honest to God-not made up in any way quotes that followed for the next 45 minutes.

"i don't believe in Christmas. Christmas is the devil's holiday."
"december 25th isn't Jesus birthday. Prove it."
"God never told anyone to get divorced and remarried."
" Christmas is just a bunch of people getting drunk and fornicating. Christmas is evil."
"Jesus wearing pants is an abomination."
"Men in womens clothing is an abomination."
"I can't write a check for my daughter and sign it "the father." I have a name."
"devil gets into our head during the holidays."
"on judgement day i'm gonna get told I'm annoying."
"politicians lie and can be bought, Jesus doesnt need to be rich."
"Jimmy Swaggart is hustling Jesus."

THis guy droned on for an hour and a half in total. It was insane. So if Christmas is the devil's holiday i have totally been celebrating wrong for the last 40 years. My word i love my job.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

she did Make Me a Believer

Oh my God!! Canadian rock singer Sass Jordan tweeted back to me! I usually only tweet Kath when I'm on Twitter. I prefer facebook so i'm rarely on twitter. I'm following some singers and actors i like. One of them being Sass Jordan. I'm a huge fan of hers. I own all her cd's(ok i lie i still havent picked up her newest cd from Dusk Til Dawn, but i really want it a lot) and have been a fan since she was a back up singer in a band called The Box in the late 80's. So she was tweeting about the show stargate. I never would have pegged her as a sci fi geek. SHe did about 5 or 6 tweets about Sg1 and Stargate Atlantis. So i thought i would add my 2 cents. I asked her if she likes Stargate Universe she wrote back thats she's not much of a fan and mentioned another sci fi show she liked. Sure it wasnt alot but it made me happy. I love you Sass! Cause I'm so sure she's reading my blog.

Customers: ya gotta love 'em--or not.

What kind of world do we live in where an angry lady can yell and call you an asshole,hang up the phone, call back and complain about you. I friggin hate working Saturdays. Have i mentioned that? A lady called in i told her that her due date was december 30th. She couldnt make it in to pay her bill yesterday. Ok no problem you have until the 30th. All i said was there were other ways to make a payment that didnt involve coming in to a store. This is something i',m suppossed to mention on everycall. What a great time for me to finally decide to do it. She started yelling and called me an asshole and hung up. Ok whatever. I don't know why i went back into her account a half hour later. Apparently she didnt believe me when i told her the due date. Also i guess i was the biggest jerk since Hitler for suggesting she make a payment over the phone. How dare i. Um hello you were the one calling me an asshole. Seriously why would you bother calling back? Frigging Northern Virginia customers. I hate 'em!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Why does it have to be Christmas?

Man last minute Christmas shopping sucks ass. Went to a few places today. Crowds werent to bad. Have a bit still left to do. I'm not sure i'm into Christmas at all this show. Just not feeling it. It'll be good to spend time with my family. I'm happy i get an extra day off. I'm happy Kath is off next week as well. Was chatting a bit with Matt yesterday. We're gonna help out a bit with the train rek Christmas special.Looking forward to that. We made a few plans in regards to the future of Get Your Geek On. We're gonna try and get some interviews scheduled next year. Theres a convention at the end of March we're gonna try and get press passes for. Matt is going to produce the show Sunday. Will be cool to see how we get along with another producer. Anyhow i guess I'm done rambling. Have a good day

Brave Merlin.

Ok kind of happy. Merlin came downstairs on his own last night. Big steps for such a nervous cat. We leave the bedroom door open all the time now. Hesh gets in there and they hiss for a bit but usually they settle down and just lay down. So we were watching the tv last night and Merlin came in the room and looked around. Hesh must have looked at him wrong or something cause soon he was running faster than the flash upstairs. Hopefully he will be exploring the place more often.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The x mas files.

Diana's first Christmas concert was a success! Turn out it was actually a play called the x mas files. It was a take off on the show THe X Files. Timely. All the classes sang songs in the play. Diana's class did a medly that included Jingle Bells. They all wore Santa hats. It was nice. It brought back memories of all the Christmas concerts i was a part of back in the day. Diana was great. I'm so glad I got to be there.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Jay needs prozac--the drug not the band

All i gotta say today is i should start taking prozac while I'm at work. I go off on at least 1 customer a day. That ain't cool. Some jack ass kept telling me over and over that i didnt know what i was doing. This was because i couldnt tell him what our web site looked like. He refused to listen to what i had to say and kept telling me how wrong i was. I shouldnt have let it bother me but i had a bad headache at the time. Man i can't wait until my half day is over tomorrow. Looking forward to Diana's concert. SHe even got a santa hat for the show. Snow is starting to come down. Not a fan. Oh winter beard help protect me from the cold.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Man i friggin hate Mondays. What a crappy day. One good thing did happen. I asked Erin if i could leave early this coming Wednesday. I just found out Diana has a Christmas concert Wednesday evening. I talked to Erin and she managed to get me a half day off. I can now attend our daughters first school concert. I'm very happy. Rest of the day moved so slow. It was the usual redneck customers.

Last nights show was cool. John was our guest. It was awesome having him there. So thanks John for being our first guest. Kath's friend Amy will probably on some time soon. Next week is our Christmas show. I can't wait. I can't wait till this week is over. Gonna do Christmas shopping on the weekend. Can't believe Christmas is 11 days away. What the hell. Didnt we just have one?

Happy birthday to a fellow Oliver Queen fan

It's a day late but just wanted to wish our good friend Nickle a very happy birthday. Cheers to you buddy. Thanks for being a good friend to Kath and i these past 2 years. You rock my friend!

Beard is the word

I've decided. Its to cold in the mornings so winter beard is coming back. Starting today. The beard is back. That is all. Thank you.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Good lord do i ever hate working on Saturday

I hate Saturday customers more than i hate customers during the week. It seems like the cream of the crop assholes wait til the weekend to call and bitch. So many time customers amazed me with their stupidity. Let me throw out a couple of examples.

One customer wouldnt stop swearing. So i warned him that if he said one more swear word i would be eding the call. Here's what followed

"why are you telling me to stop swearing?"
"I'm trying to be professional on this call and i would appreciate the same courtesy from you"
"swearing has nothing to do with being professional. I think you'd better get your supervisor."
So apparently its ok to call anyone and say fuck every 10 seconds. It doent mean you're not being professional, I guess I've been wrong for 40 years. Thanks you mr. Jack ass for setting me straight.

Another old lady called in and went off on me about charges on her bill. Unfortunately her name wasn't on the account and the account holder had passed away. I actually felt bad and appologized and said we'd need to see a copy of the death certificate to get the name changed.This caused some serious old lady yelling.

"this is ridiculous. I pay the bills!"
"I appologize but unless your name is on the account I can't access the account."
" i guess you can't raise the dead either."

Then she hung up. No ma'am i am not God or someone who dabbles in voodoo. I can't raise the dead.

Then came the regular Saturday calls of lazy bastards that wont open a tv guide. People wanting to know what channel sertain shows were playing. I don't have access to a tv guide. We're not in charge of programming. I usually give several websites where they can go to check listings. One lovely lady yelled loser and hung up the phone in disgust. Fuck you(remember thats still professional) i can't pull up web sites at work to check myself. And youre getting that pissed off because i can't tell you what channel a stupid hockey game is? Get a life moron.

Same situation about an hour later. I couldnt tell a guy what channel some stupid show was on and he started giving me a retarded voice. Really? Without missing a beat i replied with I'm sure i didnt say it in that voice sir. And the douche got mad at me for saying that! God I hate Saturdays. They suck balls.

I'm home now. Gonna go sak in a tub and relax,maybe watch some Stargate to prepare for tomorrow's show. I'm looking forward to hanging with my family tomorrow.

Friday, December 11, 2009

A much deserved 2 days off.

Man the first 3 days this week were rough. On Wednesday i got massively loud and sarcastic with a customer and if a manager listens to it i will probably be disiplined. It was pretty bad. I wouldnt give a customer a credit and he thanked me for nothing. I probably shouldnt have thanked him and gone on about what a great job i thought i did. It was annoying. I hope i don't get written up for it.

I'm on day 2 of my days off. Its been awesome spending them with Kath. We bought ingiedients for Christmas cookies. Diana and Kath are making cookies as we speak. Yesterday we put our tree up. I was scared Kath was gonna beat the crap out of me. You may recall i took doewn the ornaments last year At least i tried to, The tree fell on my head and i broke about 4 ornaments. Luckilly Kath let me live.

We Did a bit odf Christmas shopping today and made a trip to the comic book store. I should probally figure out a show for Sunday. John is going to be our guest so I'm pretty excited. We're gonna have a lasagna tonight and a cauliflower salad. I'm in a really good mood today. Anyhow gonna go try and sneak some cookies. Have a great day all.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snowy days, bastard red necks and porn legends

Monday started out really shitty and got good eventually. Work of course was beyond horrible. I lost track of how many times i got yelled at. One lady actually ssaid "i hope bad things happen to you." Of course it also snowed. That sucked ass. i hate snow. So lets skip ahead to the good stuff.

At 6:30 Rob picked me up and i got to sit in on his show. I got to talk on air a little bit. The highlight of the evening was that he got to do a phone interview with Nina Hartley. Nina is a legend in the adult movie genre. She's kind of like the Bruce Springsteen of porn. I'm not gonna lie,I've seen some of her work. Hey I'm a guy and all guys have looked at porn at least once in their lives. Anyone that says they havent is a damn liar. So i thought it was pretty cool that Rob and Matt got to talk to her. Rob pissed off her husband by bringing up bootlegging. It was pretty funny. Good times. Hung out there for a bit until it was time to come home. Ate dinner with the fam and watched a bit of tv. Life is good.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sundays Rule!

Oh Sunday how i love you! I finally got to sleep in. I love how 10:30 is sleeping in to me now. Just a boring day and i love it. Doing chores and barbequing some chicken. That's right its december and I'm still grilling! I'm so happy it hasnt snowed yet. I prefer eating grilled meat. Yup still eating a lot of meat. I'm trying to continue with the atkins diet. I've let it slip the last couple of weeks and i need to get back on track. Yay diet!

Man last night there was a huge party going on a couple doors dow. That wasnt so bad. The bad part was that it spilled out into the parking lot.A bunch of people were on our lawn beside our van talking out loud in front of Diana's window. Kath put an end to that. Is it wrong i was happy when the cops eventually showed up to break it up?

Rest of the day went by quick. Did a bunch of chores and watched Stargate Atlantis. Can't wait for Thursday and Frisay. I'm off both days with Kath and we're putting up our tree. I only have 3 shitty days of work to get through. Anyhow talk to you all soon.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Oh yeah Bat cave!

Holy lord God do i hate Saturdays. It never stopped today. The best was the loud lasy that wouldnt let me talk. When she did let me talk she would cut me off and scream NO! in my ear. No matter what i said. "you owe money on your account." "NO" "You have one cable box." "NO!" "The sky is blue." "NO!" It was awesome. I came home on my break to visit the family. The day was way to rough.

Speaking of the family,last night Kath got Diana the coolest Christmas present for Diana. A little Batcave for her little super hero dolls. It even came with a Batman and Robin doll. It's so cool. I watched my favorite Christmas movie last night--Die Hard. Damn i love that movie to this day. Yippe ki ay mother fucker indeed.

I can't wait until tomorrow. It's my one day to sleep in. I'll probably watch some time travel related tv to get prepared for our show next week. THen at 7 i'll get to listen to our latest show. Only thing that'll suck is Kath won't be here to.

Ok Jay is rambling again so gonna go eat and watch some tv. Talk to u soon.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Hooray! Finally started Christmas shopping.

It's Friday. Day 2 of red neck less goodness. We ran a bunch of errands today. When Diana was in school we did some grocery shopping and bought some bulbs to change some brake lights. I was hoping we would change the brake lights today as i am nervous with Kath not having all her brake lights. She has assurred me she will attempt to repair it tomorrow while i am at work. We also checked out toys r us and bought some Christmas presents for Diana. We got her 2 sets of miniature Brave and the Bold action figures. One of them was a Green Arrow set!

After we picked up Diana we went to the comic book store and got Diana the coveted Indigo Lantern ring! We also bought some comics. We read all our comics in an hour as we had to review them on the show today. Got to Rob's around 3 and quickly recordede Sundays show. It went pretty smoothly. Following that Kath went to pick up Nickle for a run to the States for more groceries. Definately a busy day for the Stewart family. I'm sitting here really missing her. Soon i will have proper i.d. That'll be a sweet day. Rob should be arriving soon. We're gonna watch the Mel Gibson classic--Payback! Good times. Well gonna get going. I have some popcorn to pop. I'm sure i will have some horror stories to report on tomorrow at work. Wish me luck!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bored but loving it

Day off number one! Good times! Didn't do to much today. I'll tell you what I'm not doing--getting yelled at by red necks. Day started off rough. Diana is still a bit under the weather and di not like waking up today. She creied a little bit. Once she got to school she was fine. She was really happy to do her show and tell--a stuffed Robin bird.

Kath was a bit ill as well. SHe went in to work an hour late. Man i know my time to be sick is coming soon. hooray for me! I just heard from my friend Deb and i guess it is beyond crazy busy at work today. I am so glad i was off today. I got some stuff done to. I ironed some shirts and cleaned a kitty litter and worked on the show a bit. Gonna be a full day tomorrow. We're gonna do some running around in the morning. We'll buy some comics and read them soon after as we need stuff to review. In the afternoon we will record show # 7 and the Kath and Nickle will journey to the states. Rob will come over and watch some movies. Should be a fun day.

Can't wait for Kath to come home. Gonna finish up watching some stuff for the show tomorrow and have some burgers. Thats about it for now. Talk to you soon

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Working in the boonies sucks

Ok today was brutal. I took voluntary down time. I couldnt take it any more. I had just debated with a lady who wanted credit for a service that doesnt cost anything. When i told her that i got a big speech about how we don't care about the customers. It was awesome. Sitting in the boonies sucks as well. Anytime i have a question for a supervisor it takes 50 years for them to come over. I was miserable and tired so jumped at the chance to leave. I came home and already have laundry done and have cooked dinner. I'm off for 2 days. Thank God. We're recording Friday afternoon.

Diana is feeling better, That was a relief. Her feever went away and she went to school. She's pretty excited,she has show and tell tomorrow. I'm really happy she's ok. I just wanted to stay home with her and Kath today.

Last night we had our friend Amy over. She's pretty cool. She brought over her dog as well. What a nice dog. I want a dog. I'm not allowed to have a big dog here though. Stupid complex.

I'm feeling kinda drowsy so i'm going over to the couch. I'll write more when i'm more awake. Peace.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Oh Danny Glover where art thou?

December is starting off just crappy. Kath just messaged me and Diana has a fever. She's going to pick her up now and bring her home. My poor baby. We'll give her some medecine and keep an eye on her. One of us may have to stay home with her tomorrow. I'll check with Kath when she gets home.

Work sucked large today just like i thought. Everyone was mad. One lady called in because she had ordered a pay per view twice. She thought she was resuming the first one she had ordered. She was not. I decided to give her a credit but advised her it was a one time courtesy. This as an outrage! She had been a customer for 40 years. How dare i mention this was a one time courtesy. o she was planning to order more movies twice? I didnt understand what he problem was. I didn't have to give her any credit. I wasnt being a dick or anything. I gave her a credit. SHe was going to go to a supervisor over this. Some people have a lot of free time on their hands. She asked me where i was from. I told her near Niagara Falls. As soon as i told her that she got even more angrier. How dare i not actually be in Virginia! She said that explained a lot because i had a lot to learn about southern hospitality. What the hell? Take your credit and shut the hell up. SHe kept saying southern hospitality. After a while i just kept remembering the guy in Lethal Weapon 2 that said "diplomatic immunity" before Danny Glover shot him. There was no Danny Glover to bail me out today.

Monday, November 30, 2009

no more nervous breakdowns for Jay!

So its the end of the day and end of the month. Yeah i don't see December being very cool at work. I think the exta calls are gonna cause me to punch someone in the mouth. All the calls from Virginia today drove me insane. They were all rude and mean and whiny. All good characteristics. I love it. One lady called and yelled so loud and fast i think only dogs could hear it. I felt like the glass in our centre would shatter not to menion my ear drums. The information she gave me wouldnt bring up an account and this just made her scream louder and accuse me of not knowing how to do my job. She also called me retarded. Nice. She was real pleasant.

So although the month is over i am not looking forward to December. Its gonna be nuts in there tomorrow. I might be smiling by the time january gets here. We'll see i guess. Oh well. Here's to me not having a nervous breakdown in December!!


Sorry for my language but i have to say it. Fucking Mondays. What a shitty day. So we have assigned seating again. Starting tomorrow i have to sit way in the boonies away from Trudy and Deb. Yay. Oh and it just so happens it takes place on the day we start getting more calls from Northern Virginia--the que i hate the most. Seriously if there account is one penny higher than normal they call to bitch about it. What the hell man! I can't believe i have to go back and work another 5 friggin hours. I totally get what Bob Geldoff was singing in his hit "i don't like Mondays." On the plus side i may help Rob out tonight with his show. It was pretty fun last week. Well i gotta get my ass back to hell i mean work. Talk to you later.


250th blog Mini wave and celebration for me! A whoo hoo! I should be in bed. Its after 1:00 am and i have to work at 8. We're watching the 25th anniversary of the rock and roll hall of fame concert. Lots of Springsteen goodness! We recorded our show tonight. It went awesome. We did some of our best comic reviews to date. Well it's time for more Boss! Talk to you tomorrow


Saturday, November 28, 2009

A boring ass Saturday

What a friggin long day. It was slow at work today. I got stuck in training for 2 hours and almost fell asleep. I love my job. Not much to report on today. I just got home and i feel like I'm going to pass out. Not looking forward to next week. We're expecting an exra 30 000 calls this month from the market that i hate. December is gonna be a long ass month thats for sure.

I think I'm going to try and watch the "good" Punisher movie. I'm going to talk about The Punisher on tomorrows show. I think I'm going to go out and see if John is home and try and schedule in some recording. He's agreed to come on next week. I'm actually thinking up 3 shows at the same time. Not to shabby. Can't wait for my family to get home. I really miss them a lot. Feels like forrever since i saw them and its only been about 12 hours. Yes I am a suck. I'm gonna go get some air before i fall asleep sitting here. Talk to you all later.

Friday, November 27, 2009

It's a Punisher Thanksgiving!

Yesterday was American Thanksgiving. Usually we will celebrate with Kath's family. Due to the new passport laws at the border this wasnt to be the case this year. As you are all awae by now-due to me constantly bitching about it- i don't have proper i.d. Kath's sisters family is unfortunately in the same boat. This has been the only the second thanksgiving since 2000 we have missed. Had issues crossing in 2001 due to 9/11. Anyhow we still went ahead and had an American Thanksgiving dinner at our home. We invited Rob and Nickle over and pigged out. For dessert we had fondue. It was pretty cool. We ended the evenong with 2 Punisher movies- the original Dolph Lungren movie from 1989 and Pynisher war zone from 2008. They were both pretty bad. We much preferred the 2004 film with Thomas Jane. We're gonna review all of them on our show Sunday. Guess i should work on a show seeing how i have a couple of days left. Thats all for now. Hope everybody had a nice American Thanksgiving or Thursday as we call it in Canada.

Merry Christmas! Shitter was full!

So we went to the superstore last night and saw something that made me feel old. The 20th anniversary dvd of Christmas Vacation. How the hell is that movie 20 years old? I remember seeing that in the theater. I think that was the last time Chevy Chase was funny. That movie is still awesome. It totally holds up today. Shitter's full! I'll have to watch it soon. Seriously though 20 years old! I am an old man.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Boring ass Jay

Is it ever awesome to be back at work--not. Yup it was the same old day hearing arguements about porn and disconnects. Always warms my heart. I am so happy i have the next 2 days off. Just gonna lay on the couch and veg out. Maybe get some vaccuuming in. Damn i am so exciting. I told someone i was 40 today and saying it out loud scared me. Oh well. Stacey came over to say hi again. Its really cool having her work on my side of the building again. She gave us a nice card. It was very thoughtful.

Just waiting for Kath and Diana to come home. We're gonna hit the superstore for a couple of things. I'm also trying to come up with ideas for our next 2 shows. I can't wait to have John in next week. It should be a good time.

Well it appears i am rambling with nothing interesting to say. What a boring old man i am. Major brain fart going on. I'm gonna go for now. I'm so tired. Have a great night.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Forget the Klingons and lap dances-it;s back to work

Hey kids. Its Tuesday my first day back to work in over a week. Not much had changed. Customers are still dicks. A bunch of people signed a card for Kath and i in regards to her mom passing away. I thought that was really nice. I also got to talk to Stacey a little bit. Filled her in on our weekend at the sex show. It wasnt to bad there today. No one filed a complaint against me. So that was nice. I got sent home an hour early because it wasnt busy. That wasnt so nice. What are ya gonna do?

So as you recall i was nervous about being on Matt and Rob's show last night. It turned out to be really awesome. I've been wanting to go on there for awhile. I had a great time! We joked around and it was really cool. I would definately help them out again in a heartbeat. Had a really cool conversation with Matt and his fiance Nadia after the show as well. Turns out Matt's uncle is Len who ran the comic book store back in the 80's and 90's. I found that facinating. We also bitched about our Niagara College experiences. I felt like we bonded. We discussed a few ideas for Get Your Geek on as well. I'm pretty happy as i asked John to come on in 2 weeks and he's totally cool with that. I'm gonna have to work in a fonzie conversation somehow,

Anyhow i think I'm gonna go lay down on the couch till Kath and Diana get home. It was a long day and i miss them a lot.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday:Back to the real world

Here we are on Monday and Kath and i both overslept. Luckilly for me i didnt have to work. Not so lucky: we woke up after Diana was was due at school. She had a long weekend so we let her sleep. Then we both fell asleep on the couches. Eventually Kath went to work. I decided to clean up a bit. Did laundry,cleaned a litter box, did dishes. Worked on stuff for the next show and of course blogged. Diana drew on a big box and made a house. I'm not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. Its ben nice not being yelled at for over a week. I sure wish the radio show was my day job. Speaking of the radio,just got a call from Matt the other producer and Rob has no voice. He wants me to co host their show tonight and speak about the sex show. I'm pretty nervous. I can't say i'm an expert. Ok then my heart is beating fast. Ok then. I'll let you know how it went later.

Sex Show day 3: the wrap up

It was now Sunday. Time to check out. I was over tired. Those who know me know that when I'm over tired i tend to act like I'm drunk. So when i woke up i just went on and on like a bad comedian. Eventually we packed up our stuff to go to the sex show one last time. Today it would end at 6 instead of midnight. We couldnt wait to go pick up Diana. We really missed her. The day ran smoothly. The segments were cool.We all had our picture taken with Santa rob. Plenty of boobs still on display.Ate plenty of junk. Six o clock came pretty fast. Clean up didnt take long and we were on the road by 7:30. Kath and i had a long discussion on the way home about ideas for shows and guests. We arrived at the babysitters and Diana didnt want to come home. She had a great time sleeping over. We finally convinced her to come home after half an hour. We gave her a pesent we had bought in TOronto. It was a pink t shirt with moose all over it. She liked it a lot. Rob and Nickle came over to watch family guy and eat pizza. Everybody started falling asleep so we called it a night. It was a fun weekend and glad we could be a part of it.

Sex show: Day 2:klingons and lap dances

So this brings us to day 2 of the sex show. We got up bright and early at 7:30 am. We decided to cab it to the show. It was gonna be a long ass day. Lukilly i didn't feel tired. Started the day off with an assembly line. We filled up about 500 bags with flyers and condoms so that we could hand them out to people who visited our booth. The show opened at 11. We began to realize that Patrick was cool and had great taste in music. For such a young guy he had a great range in music. We started calling him Roadhouse after that. We made the rounds again and when Rob came out as Santa again i had my pic taken with him. A bit later we ran into 3 people dressed like klingons. We thought they were at the wrong show. Rob got them to agree to come back to the booth at 3 to allow kath and i to do an interview with them. It was cool.

So mid afternoon i had my 2nd incident of not being a fan of the photographer guy. Rob wanted some promo shots of Kath and i for the trainrek website. I was totally cool with that. I thought maybe we would have gone outside and posed a little. There wasn't too many places inside to pose as we are a show that involved nerdy things like comics and crap like that. Nickle came with us because she felt he would try getting us to pose in situations we weren't comfortable in. Ok. As soon as she said that i instantly got worried. So instead of going in the hall way or outside we walked through the show to find suitable places to get our pic taken. First stop? A van that was playing porno movies. Yeah that makes sense for our show. Make sure you get some close ups of anal sex on the monitors. That'll look good on our geek site. i don't even think i was smiling in the photos. Next it was on to the booth that was selling chain shirts and assless chaps. He wanted me to wear something with no shirt. I told Rob i would have been willing to wear the chap s over my jeans--it would have been kinda biker like. i agrees to wear this chain thing over my regular shirt. He seemed pissed i wouldn't take my shirt off. First of all I'm fat and don't take my shirt off ever secondly this has what to do with what we talk about on our show? He also wanted me to take an awesome picture of me staring at a huge bottle of lube. Yeah i was not happy. I was happy when it was over.

Three o clock came and the 3 klingons returned for the interview. They were joined by a guy who had one of the coolest costumes i had ever seen, He was a klingon dressed like Batman! We found out they were part of a group that did a lot of charity work. The interview was cool. I'm so happy Kath was there cause i ran out of stuff to ask. A few times it got noisy so when i asked some questions they didn't hear me. I felt bad but Rob said we did great and it wasn't normal circumstances for an interview and usually we would be prepared if we set up an interview. It was at this point that i had a great idea for a picture for our site. We wanted our pic taken with Bat klingon. His cape actually opened up like a glider. How cool would it be to have him standing behind Kath and i with wings open in a photo. This would make more sense than some of the other stuff we posed with. I asked Rob if that would be ok but the photography guy who had been there in the booth non stop for a day and a half was nowhere to be found. I was pissed. Hmm pic of us by a van showing videos of someone getting peed on or a pic of something that actually pertains to our show. Whatever.

So Rob attempted to cheer me up. He had an idea for a game show. He wanted 2 contestants attempting answering questions while getting a lap dance from 2 ladies at the same time. He picked me to be one of the first contestants against a guy in the audience who was hammered out of his mind. Yes i will admit it was hard to concentrate with 2 naked ladies in my lap. I was actually trying to be funny with my answers and got a few laughs from the crowd. Kath was in the audience cheering me on. What can i say i will do anything to help my friends. What a good friend Rob is to me! It was a funny bit that seemed to be liked by the crowd. Oh for the record i won. One of the ladies told me i was the man. Alright. Giggity giggity.

A little while after that we tried really hard to record a 2nd hour for our Sunday night show. It didn't go so well. We had Nickle sit in. It was so loud from other vendors that it causing feed back on my microphone. Anytime i leaned in to talk i heard a loud buzzing sound. At times i couldn't hear Nickle and Kath and vice versa. It was pretty bad. I wasn't trying to look like a drama queen but i told rob it shouldn't be aired. It was horrible. He said he would fix it in editing. I trusted him to not have us come across as bad.

We continued to work hard the rest of the day until midnight. We cabbed it back to the hotel. Nickle wanted to get some Macdonalds. There was no way i was gonna let her walk alone in Toronto at 1 in the morning. I knew i was really no protection if something happenned but at least i could try and look intimidating. So we went outside and some nice drunk people kept yelling Rock and roll. Macdonalds was also full of drunk people. We saw people asleep on tables and dressed like speedy gonzalez. Good times. We spent about another hour giggling and joking around before we all passed out. Sunday would be a shorter day. Hey i googled and found a pic of the Batman klingon. Enjoy.

The sex show: Day one -whips galore

Well I'm back from the Everything to do about sex show. There was a lot going on so i will break it down into three blogs-one for each day we were there. First of all as you all know i really like doing our radio show. Doing it makes me very happy. Its on my friend Rob's internet station and i want to help him out in any way i can to make his station to succeed. If that means seeing a bunch of scantilly clad women for a weekend then i will take one for the team. Actually in all seriousness i really am a team player and will help out in any way i can. Its worth it to be able to do something that makes me this happy. Anyhow the adventure started right away. Rob needed to be in Toronto early Saturday morning to make sure everything was set up properly. He said he needed someone relable to go with him . I had no problem going early. So Kath and i made plans. She would bring up Nicole and drop Diana off with the sitter and do our errands. Rob picked me up and we made really good time. The show didnt start until 3 and i think we were done setting up our booth by maybe 11:30 am. Nothing to do but sit back and listen to tunes.

So to say this was me out of my element was an understatement. I like sex as much as the next guy--and who doesnt-- but a lot of stuff was new to me. There were different exhibits with many different toys and stuff like that. Rob took me around and i have to admit he was like a rock star there. He had taken his radio station to a few of these shows and everybody there knew him. I have to admit the people he introduced me to were all really cool and nice. First guy i met looked like Thor. Yes my geek mind had already started taking notes. We were right beside a booth that was selling whips. A couple of the vendors were practicing the whips and without missing a beat Rob put the indiana Jones theme on our loud speakers. It was pretty cool. There was another booth nearby that was selling leather underwear. The model in all the posters on the booth looked like Sylar from the show Heroes. My nerd thinking never stops and i was just trying to find things i could relate to.

So because i can't go a day without being paranoid i'll tell you what happenned next. Nickle called around noon. Keep in mind i figured Her and Kath would have left by now to come meet us. She was getting her hair done and Kath was suppossed to pick her up after she dropped off Yammy. So at this point Nickle hadnt even heard from Kath at this point. She said she would let us know if she heard something. Yup it was then i kicked into worry mode. What if something happenned? What if we had van issues? Thankfully we were texted an hour later. All was ok Kath just had a hard time finding the salon. All was alright with the world again.

So we went back to meeting people and Rob introduced me to some adult film stars. The girls arrived shortly after that as did some more members of the train rek radio family. I met Matt the other producer and the station intern Patrick who was going to be doing all the recording and producing that weekend. Then at 3 people started coming in to check out the show. Now because it was expensive to eat there we just brought in a bunch of crap to snack on-crackers,cheezies bagels--stuff i shouldnt be eating on atkins. Oh well what was i gonna do. Screw the diet for the weekend i suppose.

A few hours later Kath and i sat down with Patrick and attempted to record an hour of our show. There were a few technical difficulties but it wasnt to bad. I felt it was our best comic book reviews to date and i was pretty happy with it. Now i should note that during this time i had my first run in with a photographer friend of Rob. Now I'm sure he's a nice guy but he just rubbed me the wrong way. So i'm in the middle of recording and I'm in mid sentence when joe photographer decided to walk in front of and bash me in the face with the microphone i was talking into. So hard in fact that the inside of my mouth was bleeding. What the hell? This couldnt wait till we were finished recording? I don't recall hearing an appology either. By the way i totally get why Christian Bale yelled at that guy on the set of Terminator 4. I of course was on the air at the show so i kept my mouth shut and tried to forget about it.
We went for a walk after that to check out the sights of the show. We took in a burlesque show. Lots of lip synching to the Moulin Rouge soundtrack. Got back to our booth and was in time to watch Rob dress up as Santa Clause. He was giving away t shirts to promote the station and was acting like Billy Bob Thornton from Bad Sanat. It was pretty funny. People were getting there picture taken with him-some in some really naughty poses.

So on the first night the show ended at midnight. We left the show and went to our hotel. Nickle and i left for a bit to go to pizza pizza to buy-you guessed it pizza. Saw a weirdo yelling through a mega phone. By this time it was about 1:30 am and we had to be back at the show at 10 am. We would be at the saturday show for 14 hours. A long day for an old bastard like me. We tried to go to sleep but we just kept saying random things that made the four of us giggle. Oh and at one time Rob threw a clementine at us. F' ing clementine!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Parent /teacher interviews.

Once again I'm gonna write about how proud i am of my daughter Diana. Yesterday morning we had our first parent/teacher meeting. We were so pleased. Diana's teacher said she was a fast learner and very helpful to her and the other kids in the class. After the interview we got to sit in for an hour to observe. It was pretty ccol. We watchde Diana and her friends sing and learn the alphabet. We are very happy that she is fitting in so well. Oh last weekend she went to her first birthday party as well and got to dress like a princess. My kid is growing up and she rocks. We still don't want a second kid though so don't anybody get any ideas!

Boobies and Batman

Do i ever like not having to work. I took the week off and although i havent gotten a lot of sleep i'm pretty happy. So for those of you that haven't heard the radio show let me tell you where we're going next week. So in addition to our show about comic books there are many other adult oriented shows on train rek radio. Next weekend there is a show going on called the everything to do about sex show. On Friday train rek radio and its various programs will be recording from there. Its definately going to be a new world for me. Basically I'm going to be talking to naked people about Batman. It'll be a different experience thats for sure. I think it will be fun to hang out with friends for the weekend. We'll be doing our regular 2 hour show sunday night and a couple shows on friday and saturday that'll be an hour a piece. I will probably be turning red all weekend. Anyhow I've been helping Rob out the last few days getting things ready for the show this weekend. We even drove to Guelph yesterday to run an errand. I am looking forward to hanging out with everybody this weekend. Rumour has it that Ron Jeremy is going to be there. If i get a chance to talk to him i think i will ask him about the few main stream movies he had filmed. I want to ask him what it was like working with Don Johnson in Dead Bang. Yeah i really am a nerd. Anyhow i will keep you all posted on my experience.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Mom's service

Yesterday turned out to be a lot nicer than i thought it was gonna be. I really wasnt looking forward to crossing the border for my mother in laws funeral. I don't have my passport yet and i really wasnt looking forward to being held up at customs. I just had a bad feeling we were gonna run into a prick border guard on a power trip. I'm happy to report we did not. The guy was so nice. Didnt have to get out of the car or anything. Of course now i have my warning so i won't be attempting crossing over again until i get the passport. We get our holiday pay in January so possibly then.

The service for Kath's mom was nice. Everybody had a lot of nice stories about her. I only cried once and thats becasue i saw my niece crying. I know mom is in a better place now and free of pain. The reception afterward was nice. I finally met some of Kath's uncles. One of her uncles was in a movie with John Mellencamp. I've been calling him uncle Mellencamp all these years. I also got to see some of Kath's friends again-Hollie, Rose and Ulana. Kath's friends are all massively cool. I met Ulana for the first time at our wedding. She is so nice. Yesterday she gave me a big hug and thanked me for taking care of Kath. Little does she know Kath is the one that takes care of me. Man i ate nothing but food that is bad for me all weekend. Nothing but cookies and brownies and cake. Funny enough my weight wasnt to bad today. My stomach feels rotten after all that food though. Needless to say I'm back on the diet today.

In a pretty good mood. I booked the week off from work. I'm pretty relaxed right now. I'm just working on stuff for our next show. Last nights show went over well. We taped it in advance. My sister got to hear it for the first time and she seemed to like it. Anyhow I'm gonna go wash the spagetti beard off of Diana. Talk to you all soon.


Apparently porn plots are something i now need to know to do my job

SO in ridiculous callers at work news. Saturday at work a lady called in to dispute a pay per view on her bill. The film was called public sex. The conversation went as follows:

Cust: what is this movie about?

me: I'm not sure but I'm assuming by the title its an adult movie.

cust: well what was the plot of it?

me: uh I'm not sure i don't have a listing of the plots of the movies we offer.

cust: well my son ordered this movie and before i yell at him i need to know the plot.

so at this point I'm thinking what do you need to know? Its a dirty dirty sex movie where people did the deed for money. Why can't you ask me about the other movie on your bill--Wolverine. I'm familliar with that one at least.

cust: if you can't tell me what the movie was about i want your supervisor.

Seriously? This was the dumbest reason ever to get a supervisor involved. Sorry i don't know what happenned in the porno your son ordered but how is my supervisor gonna know? So i get the supervisor on the phone and tell him the story and he says

supervisor: how the hell am i suppossed to know the plot of public sex? I'm going to assume its about people having sex in public.

Long story short he took the call and told him the same crap i did. You gotta love the customers.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

sad news

It was a sad week for the Stewart family. A few days ago Kath's mom passed away. She will definately be missed. She was a great lady who accepted me into the family right away. Kath got a chance to see her and say goodbye before she passed. I feel horrible. Because of my passport issues i wasnt able to go see her. In a little while we are headed to Rochester for the funueral. I am praying that we'll come across a nice border guard that will let us across. It's a family emergency and it will suck if we don't get someone who is understanding. I'm going to finally meet some of Kaths relatives. Its kind of a shitty way to meet them. One of Kath's uncles was in a movie with John Mellencamp so I've always wanted to meet him. Anyhow it will be a long sad day and hopefully we'll have the strength to get through. R.i.p mom and please take care of my cat Barney up in heaven.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Radio ga ga

I'm in an excellent mood. Sunday we had our best show to date. We were live and people called in! It was so cool. According to Rob we may have had over 300 listeners. I don't know 300 people! So i am completely floored that people want to listen to kath and i ramble on about comic books. I am really happy doing this show every week. I love everything about it even the small things like picking music to play during the breaks. Having Rob there is cool to. He manages to pick the best audio clips. Last week he played everything from Die Hard quotes to comments from the Hangover.I always come away feeling great after a show is done and it gets me through the week now when i have to go to my day job. I really am grateful that we were given the opportunity to do the show. Anyhow thats about it for now. Talk to you soon

Monday, November 9, 2009

Jay:not as fat as he used to be.

So yesterday i decided that since i have lost 22 pounds i would try some of my old t shirts. I managed to fit into about 5 or 6 t shirts that previously were to tight. I was impressed. More t shirts for the rotation as oppossed to the 3 that were fitting before the diet. It made me very happy. To top that off--i decided to try on a pair of homer simpson boxer shorts that never fit--ever! Kath bought them for me long before we had Diana. Just for shits and giggles i put them on last night and they were'nt tight! I was smiling. I still have a bit of weight to go. I'm gonna keep going. I'm really proud of myself. I haven't stuck to a diet this long before. Anyhow I'm done blowing my own horn.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Don't threaten me i know how to kill with a carrot now

Man I am having an enjoyable weekend. Saturdays shift wasnt that bad. I only had 3 bad calls the whole day and that was out of 60. I will mention that one customer threatened to punch me in the mouth, He got his service cut off for non payment. Then he started bringing up stuff on his account from a year ago that had nothing to do with his current situation. Anytime he would bitch to me about something i would find a note on his account that would totally contradict what he was telling me. I would tell hm what was on his notes and he made it out like i was disrespecting him. I believe he politely stated "you're a cock sucker (sorry pal my wife would disagree) I'm gonna find you and punch you out." Sure buddy whatever you say. I'm in Canada and you are not. You can't afford to pay your bill-i don't think you can afford a plane ticket to Canada to come get me. That one made me laugh. The day got better after that.

Came home around 6:30 and Rob was her with his son waiting for me. Kath and Nickle went grocery shopping so the men folk were gonna watch some movies. I chose the Bruce Willis classic Mercury Rising and Rob brought over Shoot 'em up. It was a good movie. I learned you can kill people with carrots in many different ways. Good times. We ate a lot of popcorn and also watched the best episode of Stargate Universe to date.

Sunday is going well so far. We're just getting all our stuff together for tonights show. We're going live again. Can't wat to go do it. Rob got a voice actress to do some voice ads for our show. They sounded really good.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Feeling alright

Ok now that i have a day off and a chance to reflect i will admit that some great stuff did happen as well this week. It wasnt all jack asses on the phone. Although Monday was a long shitty day i did get to spend a break with my friend Stacey. I really hadn`t spoken with her since summer. Anytime she had come over we were massively busy. I thought this time would be the same until i realized it was break time for me to. So we shot the shit for 15 minutes. I told her all about the radio show. She thinks it would be a good idea for us to contact some comic book writers and maybe get an interview. That would be pretty sweet. Stacey says she may be coming back to work on our side of the building again. Not for the same awesome cable company that i do but for a cell phone company. It will be cool talking to her more often.

Speaking of the show,we did our first live broadcast on Sunday. It went really well. Nicole and Rob taped us an intro for the show.It was awesome. Unfortunately no one called in. Hopefully someone will ring us up this sunday as we are live again. We actually get to do 3 live programs in november. We`re very excited. Very happy that our friends have been so supportive. I wish this was my day job. Life would be awesome. I`m working on the new show a little bit today. We`re going to do our top 10 worst super hero movies this week. The problem is-I`m having a hard time finding 10 i hated. Also the ones i do hate-i`ve only seen them once years ago. I`m having trouble remembering why i disliked them. Thank God for you tube and wikipedia.

Oh and one other cool (well cool for me) thing happenned today. I saw an episode of Coach i had somehow missed seeing before. It was like christmas for me.

Anyhow i`m having a nice day off. I`m going to go watch Babe pig in the city with Diana and finish laundry. Have a great day everybody.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

its times like thse you learn to live again

I hate to have yet another blog about out of control customers driving me nuts. However 3 days in a row now i have had a complaint filed against me for no reason. A customer called this morning and was willing to go to a supervisor because there was a valid charge for a service call on her bill. Not wanting to go there i said i would waive it without doing any research as a one time courtesy. I advised if something like this were to ever occur again we would need to do the research at least. I asked her if there was anything else i could help her with-she yelled absolutely not in my ear and hung up. Not even a thank you for the credit. Turns out she called back to say i gave her a hard time. Seriously? Giving you a 30 dollar credit you didnt deserve is giving you a hard time? Whatever. So of course now i'm paranoid because of the corrective action plan i was told i may need to go on for yesterdays complaint. At one point after wards the site director came to talk to me. Thinking the worst i immediately got sick to my stomach. She was just wondering if i could change my shift on Saturdays. I gotta relax.

So after that the day gets better until 5:00 when i get 2 of the worst calls i ever took in a row. The first screaming lady wants me to turn her service back on. It was shut off yesterday for non payment but she made a payment. On our end i show the interruption was cancelled and her services should be active. I appologize and let her know its no longer a billing issue. I will need to connect her to our technical department. She had just come from that department and they told her it was a billing issue. Sons of bitches. I try and explain that because she paid the balance nothing is owed. She doesnt let up. Finally it seems like she's going to allow us to connect her to a tech. Now i need to ask her permission to put her on hold. Here's the conversation that followed

Me: May i put you on hold so i can connect you to a tech

whore: what do you think?

Jay: i think i need you to say yes or no

w: Do your job

J: i'll get a tech but may i put you on hold?

W: Do i have a choice?

J:certainly you have a choice. Yes or no?

W: you are inadequate at your job.

J:sorry maam but its not a billing issue. May i connect you to a tech

W: I want someone different and just so you know I'm going to get you fired.

J: maam i don't appreciate you threatening my lively hood,

W: You threatened me first

SO at this point i'm puzzled. I don't recall threatening her and i challenge anybody to listen to the call and see where i threatened her. Sure i want her to get hit by a bus but i don't say that out loud. I don't know what she has against saying the word yes either. Long story short i finally connected her over where she spoke with 4 different techs. No notes as to my future firing.

If this werent enough i get another annoying,crazy old lady on the phone. She spends 10 minutes complaining that she had a hard time getting through to talk to somebody. She wants to know what every other customer in the last hour wanted. I tell her various reasons which she doesnt seem to buy. Finally i'm able to look at her balance and shes safe from an interruption for at least another 2 weeks. She wants to make a partial payment. I let her know as a one time courtesy and that we can't waive that fee on an ongoing basis. Her reply? Get me someone else--you're polite but not friendly--whatever the hell that means. Oh and apparently i'm robotic. Oh and i need to turn her service back on because she needs it to live. Why is she hooked up to it? Give me a fucking break. Its only tv for crying out loud.

So i'm home now and no work for the next 2 days. By the way blogging while cranking the foo fighters is an awesome way to relieve stress. I'm feeling better already.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The customer who was a damn liar

Yes it was another fun filled action packed day at work. So a customer called in to speak to a supervisor and flat out lied about me. She said i refused to connect her to a supervisor. Not true. A customer was disputing a technicians charges on her bill. I said i didn't see where we weren't supposed to waive the charge but would send a request via e mail to our dispatch to research. Not good enough she wanted a supervisor. I advised her i would get a supervisor but we would still need to send off the email for the research, She yelled forget it and hung up. I ask you this loyal reader--how is that refusing to get a supervisor for a customer? My supervisor told me there is a chance i will need to go on a corrective action over this. She has also informed me that she will fight this for me and told me not to worry about it. It still pisses me off. If you're gonna file a complaint against me can it be over something that isn't a lie? I've decided i'm just going to credit everything from now on whether they deserve the credit or not. Oh well.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Jay's depressing day from hell

The following takes place between the hours of 8:am and 6:30 pm on the first Monday after halloween. I felt a bit like Jack Bauer today. No i didnt shoot any terrorists. I just had what feels like the longest day of my life. It was wall to wall calls from assholes today-right from call one. Come with me as i revisit that first call that immediately put me in a bad mood. The caller was calling in to see if she was past due and if she could pay on the 14th of November. COme join me on my redneck journey

Jay: There's no past due. Technically though the current balance was due oct 28th. Your new bill goes out in 2 days. You can call after that bill is issued to see if there is an interruption scheduled. If so we can look into payment arrangements.

Bitchy customer: I'm calling now

J: I appologize but you wouldnt be considered past due until the new bill is printed.

bc: Thats unacceptable i want a supervisor now!

J: Ma'am you aren't past due i have nothing to extend

bc: thats 3 times I've asked for a supervisor.

J {to himself): thats actually twice but good guess

J:(again to cust): ok not understanding why a supervisor is required

bc: when i ask for a supervisor you have to get me one thats 4 times.

At this point i totally have stopped giving a shit and want to get her a supervisor--thing is i have to ask her if its ok to put her on hold while i look for one or it counts against me if someone is listening in

J: ok i can get you a supervisor....

bc: 5 times!

J: but....

bc: 6 times. I don't want to talk to you anymore

J: ok i want to get you a supervisor but i need....

bc: 7 times.

at this point its getting ridiculous and i feel myself getting mad. Screw it though. Keep it in.

J: is it ok if i...

bc: 8 times. Supervisor now!

J: ok im just going to put you on hold...

bc : that's 9 times.

fuck just let me finish a sentence i think to myself. This continues until she yells out...

bc: thats 11 times. I hope this call is being recorded so they can hear how you argued with me.

Now i'm pissed. Not once did i argue. In order to argue i think i would have needed to string a sentence or 2 together. I was nothing but nice to the whore. At this point i throw her on hold without telling her. So i get her to a supervisor who also can't believe she needs to talk to him. I explain the situation to him and transfer the call to him. I find out that the supervisor told her the same stuff verbatim. Here's the awesome part--she wanted to file a complaint against me. Some people have way to much time on their hands. The rest of the day was filled with unreasonable callers one after another. I came home on my break hoping to get a hug from Kath but she was running errands. I actually sat down and teared up for a minute. Yup my day was that stressful.

Now I'm home and even though I'm not at work i still feel sad. Kath just gave me some news that is breaking my heart. As i reported a few blogs ago Diana was student of the month for October and she got a certificate. I was so proud of her. What we somehow missed in Diana's bag was a little note that invited us to the presentation of that award--last thursday. Somehow Kath and I missed the note and of course missed the ceremony. I feel really sad-i would have loved being there to support my daughter. I feel like Kath and i should go talk to Diana's teacher so she knows that we do care-- a lot. I just want this stupid day to be over. I want a hug from my whole family and a good cry. Here's hoping Tuesday is a better day.

Trick or Treat

It's 2 days late but happy halloween! I couldnt believe it. I got home at 6:40 on October 31st and halloween was already in full swing. There were tons of kids out and about. The last few years we haven't seen too many trick or treaters. As a matter of factf candy. I quickly got ready and took Diana out. Sadly i had no costume this year. Diana was dressed as Cinderella. We made our way around the complex. One nice lady even gave me some chips. Within 20 minutes Diana was ready to come home. Despite only trick or treating for 20 minutes she made out like a bandit. Some of our neighbours had cool costumes. There was one guy wearing a really cool Batman costume. We ran into John who was dressed like the undertaker. Next year i want to dress up. If i can find a hat i may go out as Indiana Jones. Or i may do the Joker thing finally. We shall see. Anyhow gonna get some rest. I will write more tomorrow.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Student of the Month

Today i am so proud of my daughter. Let me tell you why.When we got home today after school she showed me a certificate. It was for being student of the month! I was so proud. She got a gift certificate for a restaurant and everything It said Diana showed a positive attitude in all areas of learning including responsibility . It was so awesome.

Today was her first halloween dress up day at school. This year she is Cinderella. She got to parade around her school in costume with all the other kids. Diana got a ton of candy as well. Also she got invited to her first birthday party. One of her fellow classmates is having a princess themed birthday party. It was really a great day for yammy today! She was so good all day! I can't wait to take her trick or treating tomorrow. When I'm miserable at work tomorrow I'm just gonna think about how happy my daughter makes me.

Thursday kicked ass!

Oh how i love my days off. Thursday was a damn fine day if i do say so my damn self. After taking Diana to school we hit the comic book store. Purchasing comics now counts as job related expenses due to the show. I wonder if we can write that off as a business expense on income tax. We also did a little grocery shopping. We needed lettuce after all. Only downside to the day? My back was hurting all day. It felt like someone had kicked me hard-but no one had kicked me.

Rob and Nickle came by in the afternoon. Their washing machine is on the fritz so we lent them our facilities. While they were here i threw on Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Guess what? Now i know 4 people (myself included) that liked that movie. I don't care what anyone else says-Harrison Ford is cool. Ended the evening with the latest episode of Stargate Universe. We'll probably watch some movies tonight to review on the Sunday show. I have nothing prepared. I probably should get cracking on that. Maybe today. We'll see. I may just pass out on the couch. Thats sounds like a likely scenerio.

I'm going to go pick up Diana from school now. I'll probably write again later. Have a good one.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Stupid rainy ,shitty day

Wednesday has come and gone. I must say it was one of the most annoying days i've had in awhile. I woke up to hear that it was pouring rain. That was a really nice walk to work. It was fun working while soaking wet. On my break i went for a walk. A truck drove by so fast it blew gravel into my eye. It took about an hour to get my eye feeling normal again. Then i got told that because it was dead everyone had to take an hour lunch. Ok i could deal with this. I figured that since my lunch was scheduled for 1:00 that they would just have me go until 2. This would allow me to chat with Kath adn i would only have 4 and a half hours of work left. For some reason lunch got bumped up to 12:30. Kath wasn't available to chat and i still had half a shift to go after lunch.

After lunch on my way back into the front door of work i got nailed by badge police. Let me explain. There's 2 doors to get into my building. One gets you into the front door. You need your work badge to get through these doors. Its been stated that no matter what you have to use your badge on the 2nd door even if someone is holding the door for you. Ok no problem. It really doesnt matter on the first door. Some lady opened the first door and instead of holding the door for me made me go back and punch in. Wtf? She wasnt a supervisor or a security guard or anything just some idiot rep. I had my badge out she could see i worked there. Why would i pretend to work there? Thanks badge vice.

The customers were ridiculous as well. Even the most simplest of questions was annoying me. For example. When is my bill due. October 29th. SO when do i have to pay my bill? Are you serious? Don't even get me started on the porno disputes. It was horrible.

I forgot on my way to work my foot sunk through a pile of mud. It was lovely. Nothing beats cleaning your foot in the bathroom of your work place. Good times.

Ok a couple of nice things did happen to me. A couple of people told me i really looked like i was losing weight. It was really nice to hear. I have been dieting for awhile. Even though the scale was showing a lower weight,i really couldnt tell by looking at myself.

After work i got a call from Rachel. It was Nick's birthday and she was inviting me over for birthday cake. It was very nice of her. We shot the shit for about an hour and a half. It was cool and actually was a nice way to end such a crappy day. We looked at old photos of her kids and even some pictures from my wedding in 2001. I'm blessed to have such nice friends.

Monday, October 26, 2009

A boring Monday but that's more than ok

Monday morning is upon us. I have no complaints today. I booked today off from work. Diana had a class trip to the pumpkin farm today and someone needed to pick her up from school. I happily agreed to ask for the day off. It feels really weird to not be working on a Monday. Weird shmeird i'm just happy i don't have to work. So i'm just taking care of some chores and blogging. Yee ha.

Our second podcast was broadcast yesterday. Rob says we had a lot of listeners. More than the previous sunday nigh host. I love my friends for listening. I need to get used to my radio voice. I love Kath's voice and Rob sounds cool as well. Diana made her radio debut. Rob got her to say "yippee ki ay mister falcon." you might know that as the edited for tv version of "yippee ki ay mother fucker" from the die hard series. I thought we did ok. I love doing the show and even though i'm not prepared for the next one,i can't wait to record it. Actually next Sunday will be our first live broadcast. I'm a bit nervous but that's ok. Hoping some of my friends might call in. That would be cool. Looking forward to it. It'll be our day after halloween extravaganza. I may even watch the halloween episode of quantum leap. Yup i am most definately a nerd.

Well my day is done. Diana had an awesome time at the Pumpkin Patch. Her first class trip ever was a success! She was even given a pumpkin. We'll be sure to carve that up for Saturday. I found out that it's only a 10 minute walk from here to Diana's school. I won't leave so early next time. It was a quiet day after that. Cleaned my laundry room a bit as Nickle needs to use our washing machine this week. Did a little grilling as well. Diana and i watched a Flintstone Halloween special from 1979. I just put her to bed. For such a boring day i am so massively tired. I hope i can stay awake long enough to watch some tv with Kath when she gets home from work. Anyhow that's about it for now. Take care everybody

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Dream come true

I wish i was a kid with simple dreams. Diana and i went to the store to buy some celery. On the way home she stated "today was like a dream come true!" I asked her why this was the case. She replied "because a ladybug landed on my hat and i saw halloween stuff at the store and on the way home we saw birds!" Man if only i had nice easy dreams like that. Life would be easier. Amen.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Oh my god! Oh My god! Famous people may be listenng to our geek extravaganza

I'm very escited! So Kath created a facebook group for our show. A lot of our friends have joined. I sent requests to some of my facebook friends. After the convention in August i friend requested tv personality Liana K. She had been the red headed co host on the Ed The Sock show.More important she is a comic book nerd. We had seen her on the space channel a while ago. Her walls out covered in action figures and various memorabillia. Thought she was pretty cool. I saw an article in the newspaper about her costume at this years con. It was a cool Black canary costume. So i thought i would friend request her on the old facebook. Anyhow long story short i didn't send her a group invitation. She has over 1000 friends and she's a celebrity to boot. You can imagine my surprise when we got a message on our group from her. She had totally joined the get your geek on group! She must have seen the link in the news feed that comes up. She told us to break a leg. I'm a bit nervous now thinking that its more than just our friends listening to the show. I also see that friends of hers have joined our group as well. Its really cool. Kath also mailed a request to Kevin Smith as well. Imagine if he answered? I would definately be scared. Oh well.

Friday, October 23, 2009

No rednecks:part 3 of the trilogy

Good day and welcome to Friday. I'm sitting here enjoying another lovely day off of work. Kath picked up some hours today. She had called in sick earlier in the week. We barely got up in time to get the little rug rat to school on time. Rather than go home and run the risk of falling back asleep,we decided to just go do our running around earlier. We got some coffee and pop to try and wake us up. Thank you caffeine! We went to the grocery store,the computer store and the Future shop. After a month of waiting i was able to finally get my hands on a copy of the new Barney Bentall cd.

Soon Kath and Nickle were treking to the states for groceries,following this Kath went to work. I will admit that i felt sad all day because she wasnt home. So i did the only thing i could to take my mind off of it. I cleaned. I did some dishes,the laundry,picked up the living room and vaccummed. Then i fell asleep on the couch while Diana played her video games. I was very happy to see Kath later in the day.

And that my friends is my 3 day saga of not having to deal with yelling inbreds. Luckily I'm back tomorrow! Yee ha! I'll probably come home after work and start my reviews for the show next week. I think as a joke we will also be reviewing a Rick Springfield vampire movie called Nick Knight. It was a tv movie that i think i spent a whole 2 bucks on. Also it is now my goal to get Rob and Nickle to see the last Indiana Jones movie. I want to see if anybody other than me and my mom liked it. Anyhow i hope everyone has an awesome evening. I'll write again soon.

No red necks for 3 days part 2: electric bugaloo

Thursday was a kick ass day. We woke up early and took Diana to school. After school we headed off to Rob and Nickle's house to record our second episode. It went well. Once again Kath and i just shot the shit about comics. This time however Diana actually spoke on the radio. Rob also threw in some audio samples from various films. It was really cool except i kept exclaiming Nice! every time a new quote was played. I will have to watch that in the future. The music seemed to be ok today as well. Not to loud. Nickle even helped us record an intro to the show. I really like the way the show is going and happy that his friends have given him this great opportunity.

We arrive home around 7.Got Yammy fed and ready for bed. About 9ish Rob and Nickle came over. They were kind enough to buy some pizza that we all shared. Rob even made an apple pie. It was one of the best pies i had ever eaten. He could totally go into the pie making business. Anyhow the purpose of the evening was to watch some zombie movies. Next week is our halloween show so we figured we would watch some scary movies. Work related projects can be fun indeed! It was my first experience with zombie movies. We viewed 2 funnyish movies. Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland. Shh it was a bootlegged copy from the internet. I can honestly use the phrase "wow Woody Harrelson was cool in that movie!" Since i was so tired i dozed off during the second film. That's ok cause Rob scared the crap out of me to wake me up. Good times. My wonderful wife encouraged him to do so. Thanks Kath! It was a fun evening. Fell into bed exausted around 2 am. Luckily for me i had one more day off to look forward to.